seardarren wrote:This going to sound like I'm a nut job but who cares?
The last few nights my wife and I have heard some seriously creepy sounds coming from the Villa. My wife thinks she has seen people walking into the bedroom and I can hear children playing when i know there are none. My favourite sound so far is a child dropping what sounds like a ball bearing from height then hearing the bounce increase as it gets closer to the floor.
We asked out neighbours about any previous complaints (she has lived next door 12 years) and all she would say is that in her time, there have been many people rent this Villa. She has also heard the sounds though, she thought we were some weirdo's with strange habbits until we told her this. It's not the AC as it's been turned off. It's not the multiple fridge compressors. It's spooky!
The villa is about 30 years old, which is a fair innings for this place i suppose. Anything could have happened........
If you are a muslim
Insha allah read this verses from the quran.
ayat al kursie
amana rasulu bimaa....till the end
qul huwa lahu a7ad .....till the end
qul a3udu bi rabbil falaq...till the end
qul a3udu bi rabbi naas...till the end
when you enter ure house read:
"bismi lahi waladjna bismilahi gharadjna wa 3ala rabinna tawakalna"
when you exit ure house read:
"bismilah tawakaltu 3ala allah wa laa hawla wala quwata illa billah"
when you enter ure bathroom/toilet read:
"bismilah allahumma innie a3udu bikka minnal ghubti wal ghaba-it (dont say it inside the toilet--->outside)
when you exit toilet read:
if you have dogs in ure house remove them i tell you why if you are a muslim you should know why.
we muslims love animals too but there is a reason.
if you have a dog who bark/woof at night, be shore you have djins or shaytan in ure house coz they can see what we don't see.
most of djinns live in a house where they don't mention the name of allah.
if you dont pray for allah be shore the djinn is ure compagnon/ure friend/ure mate/ure soul bcz yes they enter body's after a while.if they see the chance to enter ure body wallahi they enter.
ghair insha allah
my uncle is exorcist in europe (manny bad djinns and demons in peaples body's)
i know you don't belive in the unseen but really if you read this parts of the quran you or ure house will cure/heal/recover
allah said in the quran:
wa nunazilu minnal qurani maa huwa shifaa un wa ra7matul lil mu-mineen.
may allah blessure house and ure family
wa alaykum salam