If my calculations are correct, it is sundown in Jerusalem.
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish posters.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:If my calculations are correct, it is sundown in Jerusalem.
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish posters.
melika969 wrote:Happy Hanukkah!
Every occasion for being happy and celebrate is desirable.
Do we have any Jews here? What are their customs and traditions?
rudeboy wrote:i wonder what hitler is up to
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Re: Happy Hanukkah
Postby rudeboy » Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:27 pm
i wonder what hitler is up to
I dont know why you are so happy about Mr Hitler because he had you ragheads on his subhuman list too, and were to be next in line to get a shower
According to a new study of public opinion by the folks who host the Doha Debates in Qatar
The Arab-Israeli conflict is a minor historical hiccup compared with the ancient feuds between Arabs and Persians, and Sunnis and Shias.
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:According to a new study of public opinion by the folks who host the Doha Debates in Qatar, a clear majority in 18 Arab countries now thinks Iran poses a greater threat to security in the Middle East than Israel. The leadership in most of these countries has thought so for years. The Arab-Israeli conflict is a minor historical hiccup compared with the ancient feuds between Arabs and Persians, and Sunnis and Shias.
Not at least as old and serious as the church of the catolics, the orthodox,the protestant and many many more appear like the mushrooms overnight...At least all the muslims stick to one book and prophet whereas you don't know which book and the prophet!
If iran was a threat to the Arab land, it would have blown up Arabia years ago but Arabia still exists and the Arab Gulf hasnt changed its name to the Gulf of Persia
Berrin wrote:According to a new study of public opinion by the folks who host the Doha Debates in Qatar
Yes a public opinion of the BBC, in other words biased voting by the state television to support their countries hostile polices against a muslim country that simply rebuff their inhuman hegomonistic attitude..
rudeboy wrote:happy hanuka to all the trollsI have done my bit here, i am out of here.
p.s there is no difference between hitler or the modern jewish government
its a shame that jewish people wish to close their eyes and believe in what their jewish hitlers tell them
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