shafique wrote:I'm glad we agree.
It is about land - however to disguise this fact there is quite a strong disinformation campaign that tries to present the issue as a clash of religions.
Although in essence true, you should definately not forget that religious ideology is the major driver for this conflict. If we were to exclude the ideology that is being used by intellectuals in both societies to gain support for the common cause, that would not address the problem of 'holy land' ownership.
Religion combined with law is also something very scary. Did I ever gave notice that I'm in favor of a secular society?
Anyway, its a private property mess. Normally such dispute would be settled in court of law, based on equal rights. So sad that religion turns reason and logic mindsets into ideological driven principles based on some medieval scripture/book.
The influence of intellectuals in society can be very dangerous. Hitler, although Atheist, made use of the same intellectuals to align the proletariat for his solution. It is the most dangerous 'threat' to even the most democratic societies of today. If you need an example, look at Global warming hoax.
Sure there is a rising temperature pattern. Sure you can prove it over the last 50 years. But interglacial cycles run for over 10.000 years, so what in the world are 'scientists' thinking? Its because the incentives of scientific succes and Nobel prizes are based on groundbreaking research that they pool into some belief that attract politicians. Again an intellectual (politicians, cartoonists, journalists, writers, academics etc) enters the game and politics see opportunites for more taxes and 'going green'. How convenient to appeal your electorate.
So the business community gets air of this and starts investing in 'green solutions'. Financial guru's come up with 'cap and trade', energy derivatives to earn money from this fraud. Politicians see even greater opportunity for more taxes and support the utopian solution of global warming in Copenhagen. And so it all ends in another milking of the taxpayer for the 'great good'.
I think its a bunch of puppet play. I see right through it nowadays. In fact, I vote against it and increase my own effort to be responsible for my direct environment by being energy efficient in nearly all of my uses of water, gasoline, etc. I sure don't need a politician to say what is right for me and when 90 percent of scientists are bullish on some matter, I invoke my scepticism and read into what the other 5 percent of scientists have to say about the global warming matter. Still are 30.000 of them.
Same goes with the Global Financial Crisis. Everybody who didn't see it coming are now opting for the solution. And the few people who REALLY did see it coming, people like Peter Schiff, Steve Keen, Nouriel Roubini and some others are denied again, because the economic school of thought, the ideology, is not widely accepted and tought for. Its growing now ofcourse.
People are blinded by intellectuals in society. Very scary and could bring us down some day. Just for your information.