Halal Meat

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halal meat Jul 22, 2010
does people in arab countries produce all halal meat?

do all muslims eat halal ??

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 8
Location: iran

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Re: Halal Meat Jul 22, 2010
Most (if not all) Arab (and countries with significant Muslim populations) will have halaal chicken, beef, lamb etc readily available. In some countries all the meat is Halaal, just to keep things simple (non-Muslim carnivores don't really care if the meat is Halaal or not, Muslims will choose to eat Halaal).

Some Arab countries (eg Egypt) and in the UAE will allow the sale of Pork - for consumption by non-Muslims. There are Christian Arabs, for example, and Egyptian Copts (Christians) etc. In the UAE pork is not widely available, but supermarkets catering to expats do have separate sections for Pork.

Pork is obviously not Halaal.

Generally, Muslims are required to eat Halaal slaughtered meat - with only the exception that if life is at risk, one may eat anything that normally may not be allowed (non Halaal, carrion, pork etc)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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