GUYS This IS SOOOO SICK !!!!!!!!!

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ABORTION ????? YES or NO Pls post why

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GUYS This IS SOOOO SICK !!!!!!!!! Jun 20, 2005

check this site out !!!!!!! fcuk they even have pictures of deep fried babies at the bottom !!!!!! freaking sick !!!!!!

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jun 20, 2005
That is too disgusting.... F%$ked up culture is what I say... I will never eat out at a Chinese place again....
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Jun 20, 2005
Is this necessary. :roll:
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Jun 20, 2005
smartd wrote:Is this necessary. :roll:

No, eating human babies is not necessary :lol:

Actually, it is WAYYY too explicit in my opinion... Seeing that monster eating the baby's arm which was ripped from the bone from the shoulder blade still hanging from it sent shivers up my spine.... I hope that bastard eating gets whats coming to him.
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Jun 21, 2005
smartd wrote:Is this necessary. :roll:


I was refering to the whole point of starting this thread.
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Jun 21, 2005
Well I guess it would be better to start researching about the benefits of foetus and stem cells
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Jun 21, 2005
smartd wrote:
smartd wrote:Is this necessary. :roll:


I was refering to the whole point of starting this thread.

I was joking with ya buddy :)
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Jun 21, 2005
smartd wrote:
smartd wrote:Is this necessary. :roll:


I was refering to the whole point of starting this thread.

yes it is !! we should let the whole world know and pass this site to every one we know so that certain action should be made ..... guys do you know taht in certain hospitals in china they actually sell aborted babies???

this must stop !!!!! abortion is bad it self but eating them ????
we cannot just close our eyes to this !!!!

we cannot just say that hey its their freaking culture and thank god its not mine !!!

yeah by spreading this we cannot stop cannibalism in china but....

by spreading this we can reduce abortion around the globe !!!

after seing this would abortion still be an option for those who even thought of it ?????

ive lost my kid while my ex was preagnant i would realy love to have that kid but she just couldnt keep a baby in her womb she just cant .... there is some medical crap they call it !! btw we wanted to have that baby but we where deprived and i hate to see fuckers like that guy in the picture and all those freaking fucks who just abort a baby like its a freaking pig!!!!!

i hope this site would enlight those who had aborted and would abort !!! to think twice
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Jun 21, 2005
this is not just happening in China dude, it happens all over Africa etc. People are so poor, cos Governments bleed their own country dry, that they have to resort to selling their own dead infants to make money.

Did you know that China had a policy of only one child per family was allowed. They have little or no sex education, so, what you think happened to all those unborn, unwanted babies?

Also, in some regions, because of this policy, there is a cronic shortage of females, as when the parents found out that their first born would not be a BOY, they aborted the baby.

Dude, you need to look higher up the food chain, they are the ones to blame.
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yeah Jun 22, 2005
yeah! but who ever to blame ... i still ask everybody to forward this site and other abortion cannibalism site that you know to your friends or just any one so that at least with in our community or the people that we know .... so they would actually think twice before they even abort or even think aboutr aborting ......

yorky500 wrote:this is not just happening in China dude, it happens all over Africa etc. People are so poor, cos Governments bleed their own country dry, that they have to resort to selling their own dead infants to make money.

Did you know that China had a policy of only one child per family was allowed. They have little or no fun education, so, what you think happened to all those unborn, unwanted babies?

Also, in some regions, because of this policy, there is a cronic shortage of females, as when the parents found out that their first born would not be a BOY, they aborted the baby.

Dude, you need to look higher up the food chain, they are the ones to blame.
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Jun 24, 2005
These pictures are well known in Asia.
Theres even a chinese movie made on that.
Spies has been sent into China to verify this practise and has confirmed its authenticity. Very sad.

And its a big "NO" to abortion.

If a guy loves you enough, he will never make you go through this pain.
And if he insists, it only means he just want to get "busy".
Advice: Keep your legs close, ladies.

Despite what the world teaches you, premarital sex is hateful in the eyes of God. Children are blessings from God. They are not your sacrificial lamb for the mistakes you made. Not to mention eating them!

Man is making their own standards on what is right and wrong.
And they are constantly contradicting with the WORD of God.

*takes a deep breath....breath out....*


I know many in this forum will disagree and call me a "preacher".
I will not apologise.
Have a good day.
God Bless.
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Jun 24, 2005
I agree with abs.... We may have different religions, buit God's teachings are the same and we follow Him and His Glory.

And if that means that he is a preacher, well then so am I.
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Jun 24, 2005

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Jun 24, 2005
Hail brother... Speak the Divine Word... Praise and Glory be on God...


Think we are scaring away all the athiests yet? :lol:
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fck Jun 26, 2005
WE Should put Abortionist and parents who does or consent such in jail HARD Labor
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Jun 26, 2005
Man, someone delete this topic or move it
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 26, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Man, someone delete this topic or move it

U betta move ur @ss outta here pumpkin go to ur Dubya
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Jun 26, 2005
You are the weakest link.....thanks for playing!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 26, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:You are the weakest link.....thanks for playing!

your jokes dont make any sense go DIe DIE DIE! :lol:
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Jun 27, 2005
in islam abortion before the 4th month before allah puts in the soul of the baby is permitted but is not recommended.

i think it is a persons choice if they want a abortion or not.Some times its best for the baby not to come into a situation where he/she is not wanted.
laila k m
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Jun 27, 2005
laila k m wrote:in islam abortion before the 4th month before allah puts in the soul of the baby is permitted but is not recommended.

i think it is a persons choice if they want a abortion or not.Some times its best for the baby not to come into a situation where he/she is not wanted.

I agree Liban and Pumpkin should have been aborted. It's not late to abort thier lives and save us from misery.. :lol:
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Jun 27, 2005
why do u always pick on them?
laila k m
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Jun 27, 2005
laila k m wrote:why do u always pick on them?

Cos they always try to pick me with their mini ding dings
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Jun 27, 2005
laila k m wrote:in islam abortion before the 4th month before allah puts in the soul of the baby is permitted but is not recommended.

i think it is a persons choice if they want a abortion or not.Some times its best for the baby not to come into a situation where he/she is not wanted.

That should have been thought out BEFORE the "process" took place.
Not after you get the "little baby" involve.
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Jun 27, 2005
Abortion is only permitted if it is life threatening to the mother or the baby has no right to live or if the mother is victim of rape.

Abortion in Islam is forbidden under other circumstances.
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Jul 05, 2005
" or the baby has no right to live..."????

Who decides if the child has it or not? EVERYBODY has the right to live, that is not questionable!!!

Tina Joe
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Jul 05, 2005
Hmmm... My apologies. I dunno what kind of typo that was but what I meant was if the baby has no chance to live. What that means is that if the baby will have an uncurable disease or some weird problem that would limit its lifespan to a very short time or create a living condition for it that would make its life on earth unbearable then why put it through all that pain and suffering..
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Jul 05, 2005
One thing that i've noticed after following this thread- you all seem pretty set in your opinions, without experiencing the situation.

Girls, wait and see if you ever have life in you that you feel shouldn't be born, for whatever reason.

Boys, wait until the woman you love is in that situation.

Then you can all pass judgement.
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Jul 05, 2005
BobbieMasoner wrote:One thing that i've noticed after following this thread- you all seem pretty set in your opinions, without experiencing the situation.

Girls, wait and see if you ever have life in you that you feel shouldn't be born, for whatever reason.

Boys, wait until the woman you love is in that situation.

Then you can all pass judgement.

Sounds like you are wishing us to be in such situations!!! :shock:
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Jul 05, 2005
Liban wrote:
BobbieMasoner wrote:One thing that i've noticed after following this thread- you all seem pretty set in your opinions, without experiencing the situation.

Girls, wait and see if you ever have life in you that you feel shouldn't be born, for whatever reason.

Boys, wait until the woman you love is in that situation.

Then you can all pass judgement.

Sounds like you are wishing us to be in such situations!!! :shock:

I would never wish that situation on anyone, believe me. But it takes it to happen in order to actually gain an understanding of the matter. Otherwise, you're merely speculating.
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