God Comes Into This World Through Human Form

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God comes into this world through human form Oct 21, 2009
God comes into this world through human form

God comes into this world through human form to preach the absolute and real knowledge of Himself. Such a Guru is called as Satguru. The word Sat means absolute reality and indicates God. The word Sat also means cosmic energy, which is the topmost plane of the entire ladder of relative realities. With reference to the entire world, energy becomes the absolute reality or Sat, but it cannot be Sat with reference to God. You have to derive the proper meaning of the same word based on the context. The awareness alone is the real medium into which God enters. This means that God will never enter the inert material alone like a stone. Veda says this clearly (NEDAM TAT). Inert material will stand as a representative model for the worship in the case of beginners.

When God enters the human form the inert material also exists in human body, but it is associated with awareness. When it is said that God is awareness, it means that God charges only the awareness and never the inert item without awareness. A person is indicated by ‘that red shirt’. It means that the person always wears the red shirt. This neither means that the person is red shirt nor vice-versa. Similarly, when you say that God is awareness, it means God enters the awareness always and not any inert item without awareness. This clearly means that neither God is awareness nor vice-versa. Therefore, every human incarnation is Satguru because every human form of God is invariably associated with the spiritual preaching. The Hinduism is blessed with three such Satgurus i.e., Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva who stressed upon knowledge (Jnana), devotion (Bhakthi) and action in service (Seva).

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Oct 21, 2009
aahaaaa! I know somebody in this forum who thinks she is a Satguru! :lol: :lol: :roll:
Dubai Forums Knight
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Differentiate Satguru & Guru Oct 22, 2009
melika969 wrote:aahaaaa! I know somebody in this forum who thinks she is a Satguru! :lol: :lol: :roll:

In the word Satguru (Lord in human form), the prefix ‘Sat’ means truth. A Satguru always preaches the truth. Truth is always harsh and is not liked by several people. Therefore a Satguru will have only very few disciples. A Satguru says that the path with thorns will lead to the Lord. People will not like this. He also says that the path with flowers leads to hell. People will not be happy with this preaching. A Guru preaches which several people like. The Guru says that the nature of the goal will be the nature of the path. Since the Lord is full of bliss the path also must be with flowers giving happiness. Since the hell is giving you lot of pain the path with thorns which also gives lot of pain must lead to the hell. This argument is very attractive.

Several people will like this and will become the followers of Guru. Several people will praise him and give lot of Guru Dakshina because his argument is pleasant. But a Satguru says that the path with thorns alone will lead to the Lord because in this path you have to cut the bonds with your family and with your hard-earned money. Sacrifice gives lot of pain and sacrifice alone will lead to the Lord. The path with flowers strengthens your bonds with your family and money which gives you lot of happiness. Such path leads to the hell.

Several people do not like such argument and so only one or two persons who can realize the truth will become His disciples. A Satguru will never worry about the number of the disciples and about the quantity of Guru Dakshina. Even if a single disciple is available He is happy. Majority always goes to hell. Only one in millions like Sankara, Vivekananda, Meera can reach the Lord. Diamonds are always in minority. Gravel stones are in majority. Therefore a Satguru will be only one in thousands of Gurus and a true disciple will be only one in millions of disciples.

When you are doing prayers you are praising the Lord as a poet praises a king. The foolish king may give some gift to the poet. But the omniscient Lord can never be fooled by such praise. When you sing songs are chant the name of the Lord or express the feelings of devotion by shedding tears or by meditation you are getting the happiness and peace immediately. You have achieved the fruit. The Lord will not give another fruit for these things. When you are pained and loose peace by cutting the family bonds and by sacrificing your work and wealth to the Lord, then only the Lord will give the real gift to you. When you are working in the field for the owner, doing the work pains you. The owner will pay money for your work. Without doing the work, if you are simply chanting the name of the owner or sing songs on the owner, a wise owner will never give any gift.

You have already derived the bliss and peace by eating the sweet in your hand. Why should I pay you when you are eating the sweet? When you sacrifice the sweet to me I shall pay you. A Satguru teaches only the sacrifice which is the path with thorns leading to the Lord. Veda says that sacrifice alone can bring the grace of the Lord (Dhanene Tyagenaike). If you ask the payment by prayers and devotion the Lord will pay you from your pocket only. He will bring the results of good deeds from your future life cycles and present them to you. But when you are sacrificing the sweet to the Lord in spite of your hunger and your heart pain, the Lord rewards you from His pocket. Therefore the true path leading to the Lord can be identified by loss of peace, mental worry, pain etc., The path to the hell is identified by peace, happiness, benefit etc., Satguru leads you to the Lord and Guru leads you to the hell.

-- Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:13 am --

melika969 wrote:aahaaaa! I know somebody in this forum who thinks she is a Satguru! :lol: :lol: :roll:

My declaration as present human incarnation

From my side, I never declared that I am the human incarnation. I gave the spiritual knowledge. The devotees started telling that it is very special and never heard or present in any book. They started calling Me as Datta. Some of the devotees were pressing Me to show the miracles which were spontaneously expressed. Therefore, I stated that Datta possessed Me and gave this knowledge and also showed miracles. What is wrong in my statement? because this is the concept of any human incarnation. Gita says that God possess a human body for His divine mission. I did not believe or declare simply based on the words of devotees unless I had my own proof since I am basically a scientist. Science never denies the practical proof and it gives a logical explanation of any truth.

Such logical explanation coincides with scriptures and therefore the truth is constitutionally valid. When the devotees raised some points believing Me as human incarnation, I answered those points assuming that I am a human incarnation, because such points relate to any human incarnation in general. The answers are valid whether I am the human incarnation or not. Devotees have repeatedly stated that My knowledge is special and wonderful. This statement of devotees is the basis on which I developed the subsequent analysis. The special and wonderful knowledge can be given only by God as per Veda and Gita. This means that God entered my self and is speaking. When God enters the human body, that is the human incarnation as stated by Gita and Bible (Manusheem Tanum, God in flesh).

This does not mean that God has become the human body. God is in the human body. The concept of human incarnation is only this much. Such God given through human body to the devotees is called as Datta. This concept of double personality pacifies the jealousy of even higher devotees. They accept this and their jealousy is pacified. Even such higher devotees cannot tolerate if I say that I am the God. Even though Krishna told Arjuna that He is God, He also told in Gita that the God entered human body (Manusheem Tanumaasritam) and also clearly stated that God has not become the human body (Avyaktam Vyakti…). This means that the God present in the body of Krishna spoke “I am God” and this statement is not uttered by Krishna.

Arjuna was higher but not highest devotee. Gopikas were highest devotees, who believed that Krishna is God, who came down directly to the earth. Krishna made their belief become true because for them God pervaded all over the three bodies including the external gross body. God super imposed (Adhyasa of Sankara) Himself on the gross body as a human being super imposes His self on the gross body. In the case of God the super imposition is with knowledge due to necessity and in the case of human being the super imposition is due to ignorance. For them there is no need of any clarification and hence no need of Gita. But if that concept is revealed to Arjuna, Arjuna will totally reject it because he was a higher devotee and not the highest devotee.

The highest devotee is only one in millions. Higher devotees are many like Arjuna. Therefore, Gita is Universal and is not necessary for Gopikas. When Uddhava tried to preach the concept of this dual personality (God as possessor and the human being as possessed), Gopikas rejected him totally. Even this clarification does not pacify the jealousy of some people because they cannot tolerate even the presence of God in a particular human body only. They want the presence of God in their bodies also. This is the highest degree of jealousy. Since such highest jealousy is a common point to every human being, the Advaiti revolts against the human incarnation by generalizing that God is in every human body and gets the support of majority. This is the revolution and the formation of the union of people, who feel that they were suppressed.

This is communism revolting against capitalism. This is politics in philosophy. This is a special situation because philosophy enters every subject. The degree of philosophy (Ph.d.) can be taken in any subject. Therefore, you have philosophy in politics which is general and normal. Even though I also felt that this knowledge is wonderful, I never said it because it will be misunderstood by the ignorant people as self praise. Therefore, if the devotees stated this and if their statement is correct, there is no doubt that I am the human incarnation based on the concept of at least this dual personality as per the analysis related to higher level of devotees.

Such analysis can be extended even to the highest devotees, which prevents them from falling down to the higher level from their highest level. This concept of dual personality will at least fix the devotee to the higher level preventing from further fall. The people who fall down from this higher level also, believe God but not the human incarnation. They say that either no human being is God or every human being is God. Either the concept is totally rejected or is extended to every body. Let no body be rich or let every body be rich. There should not be one richest person. They hate the richest person and gradually they hate even any richer person. They want equality of every human being.

This is good in economics or sociology (Pravrutti). But the subject of spirituality (Nivrutti) is completely opposite to the subjects of the world (Durmeti Viparite Vishuchi--Veda). Sankara had to act like a communist even in the spirituality because in that time the country was filled with atheists of communist-psychology in pravrutti and for them Nivrutti was totally absent. Hanuman is also an incarnation of Siva like Sankara, but he followed the extreme capitalism in spirituality, which is quite opposite as said in Veda. The spiritual knowledge was given by Krishna to Arjuna, when Arjuna fell down on the feet of Krishna with complete surrender as a servant. Krishna said that one should become servant of Guru before receiving the spiritual knowledge (Tat Viddhi Pranipatena….).
Posts: 364

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Re: God comes into this world through human form Jul 17, 2011
Dear Dattaswami,

You indeed screwed up!!! Big Time!!! God clearly says in Noble Qur'an that humans can only see him in Janna. None of the prophet who ever existed preached that Allah comes in the human form. You are combining Christianity (som christians claim that Jesus was part of God (holy trinity), some claim he is God (Astagfirullah) ) with Hinduism preaching divinity of mortal people like saints and others in your other threads. This is bid'a and if you claim someone Allah in the form of human being - then it is nothing more than SHIRK. Beware, your claims are total BS!!!

There are a lot of messed up teachings that were combined, mixed and screwed in Islam. They are called firqas. These firqas sometimes differ from each other so much, that followers can even clash with each other when their ideologies come across. Or Prophet Muhammad mustafa sallollohu a'layhi wasallam told that there would be a lot of firqas (branches) of Islam, all of them will go astray except for one. And it is the one that doesn't make SHIRK to Allah.

Your preaching in turn is directly creating SHIRK. When you claim that someone like Buddah, Sai Baba or anybody is ALlah in human form and you start worshipping him (Astagfirullah). May Allah save us from such ideas as yours!
Dubai Forums Member
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Re: God comes into this world through human form Jul 17, 2011
Shuhrat wrote:Dear Dattaswami,

You indeed screwed up!!! Big Time!!! God clearly says in Noble Qur'an that humans can only see him in Janna. None of the prophet who ever existed preached that Allah comes in the human form. You are combining Christianity (som christians claim that Jesus was part of God (holy trinity), some claim he is God (Astagfirullah) ) with Hinduism preaching divinity of mortal people like saints and others in your other threads. This is bid'a and if you claim someone Allah in the form of human being - then it is nothing more than SHIRK. Beware, your claims are total BS!!!

There are a lot of messed up teachings that were combined, mixed and screwed in Islam. They are called firqas. These firqas sometimes differ from each other so much, that followers can even clash with each other when their ideologies come across. Or Prophet Muhammad mustafa sallollohu a'layhi wasallam told that there would be a lot of firqas (branches) of Islam, all of them will go astray except for one. And it is the one that doesn't make SHIRK to Allah.

Your preaching in turn is directly creating SHIRK. When you claim that someone like Buddah, Sai Baba or anybody is ALlah in human form and you start worshipping him (Astagfirullah). May Allah save us from such ideas as yours!

Your replies shows your ignorance level about Allah. You are not Krishna, you are not Jesus, you are not Mohammad then how can i listen to your foolish ideas! Are you the only person in this world? There are many real devotees of Allah who want to see Him, meet Him and co-live with Him for them only He comes not to you, who reject Allah coming in human form, not at all! Allah will never come for you!!

Veda says that God is the first preacher and He is called as Kashyapa because He is the pashyaka. Since, the meaning of pashyaka is that He who sees the subtle meaning of the scripture (Kashyapah pashyako bhavati). This first preacher preached the spiritual knowledge regarding the information about absolute God called as Brahmajnana to Sun in the beginning as said in Gita (Imam vivasvate). The Sun preached this to his first son, Shanaishchara, who is called as Jnanakaraka or the initiator of knowledge. This knowledge was passed on to his brother called Yama. From Yama the knowledge was achieved by Nachaketa, who brought it to the earth and was propagated to the human beings.

These five preachers are called as the five fires (Panchaagni). The preacher or Guru is compared to the fire since the knowledge itself is the fire that burns the ignorance to ash as said in Gita (Jnanagnih…). The first preacher is Krishna and He is also called as Datta. Datta means, the unimaginable God given to the world in the imaginable medium, which is the human form as said in Gita. Gita says that God is unimaginable (Mamtuvedana…) and that God comes in human form (Manusheemtanu…). Krishna is the human form charged by the unimaginable God. All the human incarnations(Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad, Bhudha, Shri Dattaswami etc) are the human forms charged by unimaginable God.

Why God has to come in human form?

If the spiritual knowledge is perfect and complete, the devotion and practice are the spontaneous subsequent steps for which there is no need of any effort. If the practice is perfect and complete, the fruit is spontaneous. Therefore, all the efforts should be put only to gain the perfect and complete spiritual knowledge. Hence, Shankara told that knowledge alone can achieve fruit (Jnanadevatu…). The perfect and complete spiritual knowledge is possible only from God. But God is unimaginable and therefore to give this perfect and complete knowledge, the unimaginable God comes down in human form.

For this purpose, which is most important, God will never enter inert medium. The human form means the soul or awareness associated with the human body. Whenever God enters this world the soul is always an associated medium with Him. You should not say that the soul or awareness alone is the associated medium. If you say like that, the soul exists in birds and animals also and these birds and animals cannot give the spiritual knowledge to humanity. Therefore, the soul should mean the soul existing in human body only.
Posts: 364

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Re: God comes into this world through human form Jul 17, 2011
dattaswami wrote:
You indeed screwed up!!! Big Time!!! God clearly says in Noble Qur'an that humans can only see him in Janna. None of the prophet who ever existed preached that Allah comes in the human form. You are
Your replies shows your ignorance level about Allah. You are not Krishna, you are not Jesus, you are not Mohammad then how can i listen to your foolish ideas! Are you the only person in this world? There are many real devotees of Allah who want to see Him, meet Him and co-live with Him for them only He comes not to you, who reject Allah coming in human form, not at all! Allah will never come for you!!

Veda says that God is the first preacher and He is called as Kashyapa because He is the pashyaka. Since, the meaning of pashyaka is that He who sees the subtle meaning of the scripture (Kashyapah pashyako bhavati). This first preacher preached the spiritual knowledge regarding the information about absolute God called as Brahmajnana to Sun in the beginning as said in Gita (Imam vivasvate). The Sun preached this to his first son, Shanaishchara, who is called as Jnanakaraka or the initiator of knowledge. This knowledge was passed on to his brother called Yama. From Yama the knowledge was achieved by Nachaketa, who brought it to the earth and was propagated to the human beings.

These five preachers are called as the five fires (Panchaagni). The preacher or Guru is compared to the fire since the knowledge itself is the fire that burns the ignorance to ash as said in Gita (Jnanagnih…). The first preacher is Krishna and He is also called as Datta. Datta means, the unimaginable God given to the world in the imaginable medium, which is the human form as said in Gita. Gita says that God is unimaginable (Mamtuvedana…) and that God comes in human form (Manusheemtanu…). Krishna is the human form charged by the unimaginable God. All the human incarnations(Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad, Bhudha, Shri Dattaswami etc) are the human forms charged by unimaginable God.

Why God has to come in human form?

If the spiritual knowledge is perfect and complete, the devotion and practice are the spontaneous subsequent steps for which there is no need of any effort. If the practice is perfect and complete, the fruit is spontaneous. Therefore, all the efforts should be put only to gain the perfect and complete spiritual knowledge. Hence, Shankara told that knowledge alone can achieve fruit (Jnanadevatu…). The perfect and complete spiritual knowledge is possible only from God. But God is unimaginable and therefore to give this perfect and complete knowledge, the unimaginable God comes down in human form.

For this purpose, which is most important, God will never enter inert medium. The human form means the soul or awareness associated with the human body. Whenever God enters this world the soul is always an associated medium with Him. You should not say that the soul or awareness alone is the associated medium. If you say like that, the soul exists in birds and animals also and these birds and animals cannot give the spiritual knowledge to humanity. Therefore, the soul should mean the soul existing in human body only.

What's the point debating with you... you are Hindu, I'm muslim. In your words I need to be Krishna for you to listen to me... you are blind and deaf as hell... :roll: you will not listen to others except for your human gods. Ok Krishna, I don't wanna waste time here. Say "Hi" to your God humans!
Dubai Forums Member
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Location: Tashkent

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Re: God comes into this world through human form Jul 17, 2011
Shuhrat wrote:
What's the point debating with you... you are Hindu, I'm muslim. In your words I need to be Krishna for you to listen to me... you are blind and deaf as hell... :roll: you will not listen to others except for your human gods. Ok Krishna, I don't wanna waste time here. Say "Hi" to your God humans!

Your replies show how much ignorant you are !Here the word 'ignorant' is not at all a-ve word. Because in this world al most all are like you only as far as God's knowledge is concerned. This is the reason why God comes in human form with divine knowledge to preach us and uplift us through His wonderful divine knowledge. When He comes you reject Him and want to be always in ignornat state, even God will fail infront of you since you will never accept God in human form who comes to this world for uplifting people like you.

My religion

I do not belong to any particular religion. I belong equally to all religions. Infact I am not religious but spiritual.

Religion is like a medium of instruction and spirituality is the curriculum. One can get doctorate degree through any medium and a doctorate will be respected by all over the world equally. Thus we should pursue to reach higher levels in spirituality in our own religion. Nobody need not change his religion. Change of religion is moving horizontally and moving to higher classes in spiritual curriculum is moving vertically, which is only called growth. Spirituality is beyond religion. Infact any true divine preacher never confined to any one particular religion, caste, creed etc, because all require God.
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Re: God comes into this world through human form Jul 17, 2011
I don't think that any muslim will take you seriously here with your flooding offtops and threads. There's no Krishna, Jesus nor Muhammad here. So my advice, save your time and instead use it to look for human gods somewhere else. I think my muslims brothers would join to my opinion.
Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 30
Location: Tashkent

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