Ed, once again you aren't getting it. We agreed that yes, SOME women make false claims. It was your original assertion that MANY women lie about rape - THAT is what we disagree with.
You are not paying attention to detail. Approximately 20% of rapes ARE reported, that means 80% are UNREPORTED. 80% is a lot of unreported rapes, which means your stats that 41% of rapes are false claims is in fact not a good stat to say that the majority of women cry wolf about rape. What you can say with those stats is, "One study found that 41% of REPORTED rapes were false claims." My counter to you was that many studies have found that approximately 80% of rapes go unreported, which certainly means your stats need to be viewed in a new light, don't you think? GAB is correct about how stats can be used, but still, they tend to lend more credibility to a claim than if you just give an opinion.
Your other piece of false logic is that the men in this case who are sentenced to 2 years only got two years because the judge isn't sure if they really did it. That makes no sense. Either there was enough evidence to charge them, or there wasn't. If there wasn't, they'd have been set free.
I'm not a big fan of false logic. If you read the details about this case you'd have seen that the issue was not a woman falsely claiming that a guy she is in love with and who doesn't return her affections raped her. Any time the topic of rape comes up there is always one guy who has to say, "Yeah, well many women lie about it." I'm sure the woman gang raped by those guys would be really comforted to read such an opinion.

You can post what you like, just be adult enough to accept the responses you get.