Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
Islam, religion of peace.
Let's salute the courage of a 16 year old girl who refused to be sent by her moslem parents to lebanon to be forcibly married to a man she met only once.
An Australian court blocked the parents.
The parents should be deported to Lebanon to live their awckward standards there, and be banned for life from Australia.
How many other underage girls don't make it to the court to stop a forced mariage. ... 22757.html

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
What a sad story! Poor kid!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
Sorry, is it only Muslims who have arranged marriages?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
Unfortunately there are such stories from the UK involving girls sent to Pakistan. There is much publicity and this is now a relatively rare occurence - with Mosques, communities and not least the women themselves all pointing out that forced marriages are contrary to Islam.

These stories do have a silver lining - they highlight the problem and those who look beyond headlines understand that this is contrary to Islam.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
Shaf...With you, it's always contrary to Islam (forced marriage, honor killings, stonings, peadophilia, suicide bombings, polygamy.............) but Muslims do it, promote it, Youtube it.
I am afraid it will take more than just words to convince us

-- Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:12 am --

kanelli wrote:Sorry, is it only Muslims who have arranged marriages?

You want me to explain to you the difference between "Arranged" and "FORCED"
Muslims do both.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
I've watched several documentaries on tribespeople from around the world and there were examples of young girls and boys being forced to marry each other, dragged, crying and all.

There are many cultures from around the world where the parents arrange the marriage and the children feel forced to comply, even if they aren't dragged there kicking and screaming.

I'm in no way condoning forced marriage - I just think it is moronic to use this as more "Damn those nasty Muslims!" propaganda.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
Kanelli, I am glad that the only communities of poeple you found who force marriages, to try and dilute moslem guilt , are tribes people from some remote places.
No surprise here, aren't moslems tribe people too , only far more numbered than your little tribes.
In the UK, 70 % of moslem marriages are forced or coerced. it leaves only up to 30% for arranged marriages, this constitute human right abuse, and 70% completely qualifies moslems to labelled as people (tribe) who force underage girls into marriages. Appalling isn't it? ... iages.html

Whether it is allowed in sharia law or not is irrelevant, because it is moslems who do it

So...Kanelli tell me again that with 70% it is moronic to blaim moslems for forced marriage
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
"The "Liberation from Forced Marriages" report argues that more than 70 percent of marriages among British Muslims involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force. "

Those are 70% of marriages involving a foreign spouse Herve. How many Muslim marriages in the UK involve foreign spouses compared to UK spouses? You would have to know that to assess numbers.

What do you mean it leaves up to 30% for arranged marriages? Did I miss that somewhere in the article?

And where did you get the part about underage girls? I didn't see that in the article either.

"A group of British Muslim barristers and judges have come up with a proposal to help address the problem of forced marriage, a common practice seen as going against the very essence of Islam."

So you have British Muslim barristers and judges who are trying to solve the problem, and they feel that forced marriage goes against the very essence of Islam. (Hasn't Shaf already said that too?) So if all Muslims are evil and support terrible practices such as forced marriage, why are these influential UK Muslims opposed to it? Is it a bad thing that they aim to stop the practice?

You are trying to crap on Muslims again, and oddly enough using an article that shows that Muslims admit there is a problem and they are trying to fix it. Nice work Herve!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
I've said it before, and I'll surely say it again - loons and statistics really don't go together!

Major fail by herve. Again.

And all because an Algerian bunkmate barfed in his bag! :shock:

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
kanelli wrote:"The "Liberation from Forced Marriages" report argues that more than 70 percent of marriages among British Muslims involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force. "

Those are 70% of marriages involving a foreign spouse Herve. How many Muslim marriages in the UK involve foreign spouses compared to UK spouses? You would have to know that to assess numbers.

What do you mean it leaves up to 30% for arranged marriages? Did I miss that somewhere in the article?

And where did you get the part about underage girls? I didn't see that in the article either.

"A group of British Muslim barristers and judges have come up with a proposal to help address the problem of forced marriage, a common practice seen as going against the very essence of Islam."

So you have British Muslim barristers and judges who are trying to solve the problem, and they feel that forced marriage goes against the very essence of Islam. (Hasn't Shaf already said that too?) So if all Muslims are evil and support terrible practices such as forced marriage, why are these influential UK Muslims opposed to it? Is it a bad thing that they aim to stop the practice?

You are trying to crap on Muslims again, and oddly enough using an article that shows that Muslims admit there is a problem and they are trying to fix it. Nice work Herve!

By law, in the West, a 16 y old girl is under age, so you dont' have to say "underage" it s pretty obvious. of course you dont know the difference because in islam a girl is underage when she doesn't menstruate.
if 70% are forced marriage, it means 30% are not, those still include the arranged marriages. that does not leave much room for "free" marriages.
Of course the article doesn't mention marriages with UK spouses, are there any? and when they are , don't they kill their daughters in "honor"
for the rest of your post, it is , like always, a double language issue:
It is a constant with moslems, they say something, but do the exact opposite. Trust me, don't take the words of a moslem for granted.
examples of double language:
forced marriage against islam, may be , but irrelevant, moslems do it anyways with a crushing majority
honor killings, moslems oppose it, but moslems do it with a crushing majority. Judges and barrister try to fix it? how? it does not work. why don't they try immediate deportation of the parents, that would work.
suicide bombing, the quran forbides suicide, but moslems fail to mention, on purpose, that it is not suicide, it is martyrdome which is allowed.
Marriage between cousins, moslems admit it is a problem, so what, they do it anyways with a crushing majority.
moslems say they don't support killing "innocents", may be, they only fail (on purpose) to mention that "WE" are not in the "innocent" category, all unbeleivers are guilty for not accepting islam.
So it is not relevant whether moslems admit there is a problem or not and try to fix it. It is just talk NEVER followed in actions, lies and deceit. Facts show they don't do what they say, and accuse you of islamophobia when you say what they do.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011

I really can't believe you were really an intelligence officer herve, seriously.

What is it with your weird beliefs. Do you really think that with 2 million or so Muslims in the UK that 70% of weddings amongst Muslims is a forced wedding? Seriously?

Look beyond your hatred at the actual evidence herve. Stop ranting.

Is it because you've crashed and burned in your attempt to prove I am DJ?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
I don't say it al shafique, the article does, and if you google forced marriage int he UK, you will find more sources.

you are proving yourself that you and DJ are the same. Look at the energy you put to claim otherwise. I mean, anyone else on DF would not give a flying cow, and would ignore it completely if they were accused of having multiple ID's.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
herve wrote:By law, in the West, a 16 y old girl is under age

Once again talking out of your arse as usual, the age of consent is low as 13 ( Spain ) for most of Europe and the US it varies inbetween 14 to 16.

Rest of your rant was just jibberish as usual, while skimming past it I did see every other word was "moslem" boy you Algerian bunk buddy really did a number on you ! LOL
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
herve, do you seriously believe that 70% of Muslim weddings in the UK are forced marriages - even though the article DOES NOT say this?

Your rant is just full of rubbish.

Muslims do speak out and do take action against extremists. Anjem Choudary, for example, is denounced and banned from mosques.

Your fantasy about Muslims viewing non-Muslims as 'guilty' is just that - a fantasy. You are the one that refuses to condemn Jewish terrorists, whilst the Muslims denounce ALL terrorism, regardless of what religion the terrorists are. You are the bigot, you are the hypocrite. You admit to lying.

Sorry, but those are the facts.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
herve wrote:By law, in the West, a 16 y old girl is under age

Once again talking out of your arse as usual, the age of consent is low as 13 ( Spain ) for most of Europe and the US it varies inbetween 14 to 16.

Rest of your rant was just jibberish as usual, while skimming past it I did see every other word was "moslem" boy you Algerian bunk buddy really did a number on you ! LOL

Law of consent, oh that s a good one, :lol: :lol: :lol: consent of the parents !!!!!!! , not consent of the girl, of course they don't need the consent of the parents, it s the parents who are forcing their daughters in marrying some one she does not know.

And what kind of a sick fu(ko would marry his 14 y old girl anyways, again we see where your values are.

16 is stil underage, you miserably fail

As of the guilty and kill the unbeleiver, starts another thread, in the mean time eat that one:

Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
Herve, quit whilst you're behind. Facts don't seem to agree with you.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Herve, quit whilst you're behind. Facts don't seem to agree with you.


That s it? you ran of facts and arguments al shafique.
I just gave you along list of facts, rubbed them in your face, still you deny it.

Let's see what you do, IF one day your daughters want to marry a British citizen, a white one, not a brown one on coupon free greener pasture passport, and then she wants to convert to christianity.
Or are you going to force them into marriage with some bangladeshis when they turn 14?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 01, 2011
No you didn't. :roll:

No where in your statistics did it say that 70% of marriages by Muslims in the UK are forced as you claim.

The other rants weren't backed up by any evidence, let alone statistics and I've dealt with them.

As I said, quite whilst your behind - it is getting embarrassing now. seriously.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 01, 2011
The "Liberation from Forced Marriages" report argues that more than 70 percent of marriages among British Muslims involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force. ... iages.html

Then show me the statistics of moslem girls marrying UK non moslem men, the burden is on you not on me, I think they are minute minority, that s why you don't bring them up

This one is for kanelli
" Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPOs) issued by the government have passed 100.....about half of the 107 issued cover children under 18. "
under 18, got that kanelli?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 02, 2011
gertrude wrote:Shaf...With you, it's always contrary to Islam (forced marriage, honor killings, stonings, peadophilia, suicide bombings, polygamy.............) but Muslims do it, promote it, Youtube it.
I am afraid it will take more than just words to convince us

People of all religions have committed atrocities -

Christians under Hitler killed Jews
Jews kill Palestinians
Muslims kill lots of people

None of this is supported by any of their respective religions.

Nobody is trying to convince you as you are too dense to understand.

-- Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:41 am --

HERVE - where are the results of your investigation???

All of your loyal fans have been waiting patiently and observing for days now!
Stop getting distracted with forced marriages this is an issue of the highest importance.
Only you Herve with your super intelligence experience and superior powers of reasoning and deduction can get to the bottom of this mystery.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
AH ! Now I get it, herve just like wind bag has trouble with English comprehension.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 02, 2011
English comprehension lessons from a Paki! LOL
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 02, 2011
desertdude a paki? Are you proud to be a paki dude?
I found this stat on pakis, how does it make you feel to be number ONE in the world in something?
Pakistan ranked No. 1 in searches for "child $ex," "animal $ex," "rape $ex," "camel $ex," "dog $ex," "rape video." (read more)
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
herve, there's really only one response to your continued failure of comprehension:


Just re-read the posts with someone who can help you understand.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations.

Wow, quite the social manipulator here.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 02, 2011
Shafique, unfortunatelly your putting on your clown's rob each time you don't have arguments is not goint to change the sorrowful reality.

herve wrote:The "Liberation from Forced Marriages" report argues that more than 70 percent of marriages among British Muslims involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force.

This one is for kanelli
" Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPOs) issued by the government have passed 100.....about half of the 107 issued cover children under 18. "

If you disagree with stat you are free to offer own one. Herve's finding looks at least plausible for me. I doubt that most English qirls even Pakistani origine are happy to go to Pakistan forever and mary there much older local man, whom she didn't even met before or hardly know.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 02, 2011
Red Chief wrote:I doubt that most English qirls even Pakistani origine are happy to go to Pakistan forever and mary there much older local man, whom she didn't even met before or hardly know.

Not true RC. Uncle Baba watches her grow up and put his claim in when she reaches the age of 2.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
kanelli wrote:Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations.

Wow, quite the social manipulator here.

It speaks volumes that you can see Herve's misrepresented drivel but choose to stand back and say nothing. Why? Because you are anti-Muslim, pure and simple. You criticize Shaf and others for supposedly misrepresenting stats and articles, but don't have so much as a word for Herve doing it (laughably!). Here we are always being told that you guys are merely "critics" not "Islamophobes", but I don't see proper balanced criticism going on.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:
kanelli wrote:Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations.

Wow, quite the social manipulator here.

It speaks volumes that you can see Herve's misrepresented drivel but choose to stand back and say nothing. Why? Because you are anti-Muslim, pure and simple. You criticize Shaf and others for supposedly misrepresenting stats and articles, but don't have so much as a word for Herve doing it (laughably!). Here we are always being told that you guys are merely "critics" not "Islamophobes", but I don't see proper balanced criticism going on.

Pick your fights with somebody else! :arrow:
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