event horizon wrote:(Surely not another 'all mouth, no trousers' moment coming up??)
Of course not.
Excellent - so you will now show me where:
Uhmm, you said the exact opposite when you claimed I had stated that the Koran says Jesus was crucified.
event horizon wrote: My post and your response to my post is absolutely clear that you misread my post and thought I had said that Jesus was crucified in the Koran.
Ok, let's have a look at your post and my response, and see where I claimed eh-oh believed the Quran says Jesus was crucified...
event horizon wrote:I'll post again and perhaps this time you can comment on your off the wall response (assuming you are correct, then your response makes no sense whatsoever):
I wrote:event horizon wrote:That's news to me. Historians tend to reject the Koran's claim that Jesus was not crucified and the Jews crucified someone else instead. But this is nothing new,the Koran contains so many historical and scientific mistakes that any one who took the Koran literally would be viewed as foolish by any enlightened Westerner.
Then you responded:shafique wrote:You really must do at least a bit of your homework eh-oh - really, the other boys and girls in your classes must be so frustrated with you!
God is emphatic in the Quran that Jesus was not killed by the Jews. You yourself have quoted the verse before .. but let me repeat it for you.
A bit of a strange response if you did not think I had said that Jesus was crucified according to the Koran.
How is me stating the fact that God emphatically denies Jesus was killed by the Jews got anything to do with what you believe about the Quran?
event horizon wrote:What exactly am I to do my homework on and why would you follow that statement up by telling me that the Koran does not say that Jesus was crucified when I had already said that in the previous post?
You should have done your homework about the point I made - that God +emphatically+ denies the Jews killed Jesus ('surely they killed him not').
The context was I was asking you whether you believed in the 18th century Christian view that the Bible was correct to blame the Jews for killing of Jesus, or whether you agreed with this statement of God (that the Jews didn't kill Jesus)
event horizon wrote:C'mon. You don't really expect anyone to believe you now anymore than your non-answer in regards to whether the shafique I quoted from a yahoo message board was you, do you?
Hey, I was just asking you to back up your claim that I had said you believed the Quran says Jesus was crucified. You have FAILED to show that I did - so, I guess I would be justified in calling you a liar, but as it's Christmas I'll just chuckle at the fact that you confused a statement of fact 'God emphatically denies Jews killed Jesus in the Quran' with an imaginary 'eh-oh, you believe the Quran says Jesus was crucified'!!

All mouth, no trousers again. Sigh.