Dhmmis: Guilty People

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dhmmis: guilty people May 27, 2010
Here is an interesting concept straight out of the Koran.

The Koran, a book for 'all times', says that Christians are ritually 'unclean' (v. 9:28) because they associate partners with Allah (commit shirk). Islamic law goes on and holds that both Jews and Christians (and all other unbelievers) are known as 'dhimmis'. Dhimmi means both guilty and protected and, as the author explains below, disbelievers are not protected out of Love, but because they are indebted to the Muslims.

Then again, to suggest that Christians are to be protected out of Love, when not only does Allah not love disbelievers, but also says that Christians are 'unclean' and the lowest of Allah's created creatures would be absurd to believe.

Why must Maher El-Gohary and his daughter live in hiding, under serious daily threat of death? What crime have they committed? Obviously they have apostatized from Islam, and despite the willful ignorance of the American mainstream media and the deceptions of American Muslim advocacy groups, leaving Islam really does warrant the death penalty according to Islamic law.

But there is more to this as well. Note that the imam shouts about Christians, "Do not shake their hands. Do not go into their homes. Do not eat their food." He is apparently referring not just to apostates, but to all Christians. The Qur'an does say that the idolaters are unclean (9:28) -- the Arabic word used in this verse is مشركون (mushrikun), those who commit شرك (shirk), which is the worst sin in Islam: associating partners with Allah. Christians are the worst practitioners of shirk, since they worship Jesus Christ as the Son of God; thus they are unclean as per this verse.

Christians are also by definition guilty people. As I noted in my book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), "The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians 'People of the Book;' Islamic law calls them dhimmis, which means 'protected' or 'guilty' people-the Arabic word means both." While the classic Islamic laws regarding dhimmis are not in force in Egypt today, they're still part of Islamic law, and as such Islamic clerics regard them as the proper status that Christians and other "People of the Book" should assume in the Islamic state. The Arabic word ذمي‎ (dhimmi) is derived from ذمة‎ (dhimma), "'protection, custody'"), and from ذم‎ (dhamma), which means "to blame." Thus the dhimmis are the blamed, or guilty ones.

How is it that "protection" and "custody" can be related to "blame" and "guilt"? Dhimmi does indeed mean "protected," "guaranteed," and "secured," but the semantic connotations of the word pertain to "indebtedness" and "liability." That's according to the online Sakhr dictionary, which is not by any stretch of the imagination an "Islamophobic" publication -- for example, it translates the word "Israel" into "a Jewish country set up on the Palestinian land." So when it says that dhimmi has to do with guilt, it is not reflecting some anti-Muslim bias!

In any case, the Arabic root-word "Z-M-M" (from which "dhimmi" issues) means "the opposite of praise," that is, to "censure," "dispraise too much," "blame," "criticize," "find fault with," "accuse," "obligate," "hold liable," "hold in bad conscience," "accuse," and "hold guilty," etc. And that's not a semantic connotation, that is the meaning, according to the Elias Modern Arabic Dictionary.

And then there is, of course, the experience that dhimmis and intended dhimmis have of dhimmitude. Ask Maher El-Gohary how "protected" he feels.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/05/egypt ... fe-at.html

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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010

http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/11/the-ch ... himmitude/

Read and weep eh.

In the follow up to the article above - the specific charge of the meaning of Dhimmi is tackled:

Spencer vilifies Islam by sensationalizing the topic of dhimma, (or “dhimmitude” as he says). I’ve already taken a massive sledgehammer to this fundamental pillar of his hateful paradigm, and you can see the catastrophic damage I’ve done by reading this, this, this, this, this, and this.

Then I came across this golden nugget, from p.49 of his book:

The dhimmi

The Qur’an calls Jews and Christians “People of the Book;” Islamic law calls them dhimmis, which means “protected” or “guilty” people–the Arabic word means both…Jews and Christians are “guilty” because they have not only rejected Muhammad as a prophet, but have also distorted the legitimate revelations they have received from Allah. Because of that guilt, Islamic law dictates that Jews and Christians may live in Islamic states, but not as equals with Muslims.
Wow. Just wow. Usually Spencer dresses his lie up in half-truths, obfuscation, and sensationalism before he peddles it to his hate-mongering audience. But here we have a case of complete fabrication.

Dhimmi means “protected person” and in no way, shape, or form means “guilty.” One can simply open up an Arabic dictionary to prove that this has absolutely no basis in the reality-based world. For example, here’s what Lisan al-Arab (considered the most reliable Arabic dictionary in the classical age of Islam) says:

ورجل ذِمِّيٌّ: معناه رجل له عهد

(Dhimmi: A person with whom there exists a treaty)

والذِّمَّةُ العهد

(And ‘dhimmah’ means treaty)

قال الجوهري: الذِّمَّةُ أَهل العقد.

(Al-Jawhari says: Dhimmah refers to the people with whom there is a treaty)

وقال أَبو عبيدة الذِّمّةُ الأَمان

(Abu Ubaydah says: Dhimmah means protection/security)

وقوم ذِمَّةٌ: مُعاهدون أَي ذوو ذِمَّةٍ

(A Nation of Dhimmah: The people who sign a treaty, i.e. the people of ‘responsibility’)
You can check any other Arabic dictionary to prove that “dhimmi” does not mean “guilty.” The word “madhmum” shares the same root as “dhimmi”, but so do many other words. To imply that there is a necessary connection between the two is pure idiocy, and proof of one’s ignorance of Arabic. They are quite simply two separate words entirely.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/05/more-p ... -huckster/

Spencer has been shown to be an 'intellectual huckster' - so, I'd shudder to think what the guys at loonwatch would call a loon who believes Spencer's discredited views are gospel? :)

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
Funny, because Danios is now dong 'research' in response to what Spencer informed him of.

Oh yeah,


From a comment made by a different post in the comments section:

Thanks for addressing this Robert.

Also from T. P. Hughes’ A Dictionary of Islam,

1) "ZIMMAH. , pl. zinam, from the root zamm, "to blame." A compact, covenant, or contract, a league or treaty, any engagement or obligation, because the breaking thereof necessitates blame; and a right or due, for the neglect of which one is to be blamed. [...]"


2) "ZIMMI. , a member of the Ahlu 'z-Zimmah, a non Muslim subject of a Muslim government, belonging to the Jewish, Christian, or Sabean creed. who, for the payment of a poll— or capitation-tax, enjoys security of his person and property in a Muhammadan country. [...]"

Note: Zimmah = dhimma, zimmi = dhimmi.

The T. P. Hughes dictionary is available free online courtesy of Answering-Islam, see their Index to Islam. The section on the zimmi goes into considerable detail.

The fact that two words share a grammatical (phonlogical or phonetic) root does not mean that they share the same meaning, but in this case the meaning of zimmi and zimmah are directly related since zimmis are defined as members of the zimmah. In Robert's statement in the Politically Incorrect guide (p. 49), he is referring not to covenants generally but to the use of the Arabic word dhimmi (or dhimmis) in Islamic law as it refers to People of the Scripture and others who were subjugated under Islamic law.

The Quran itself in numerous places refers to the disbelief of Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran as the worst crime (6:21, 6:144, 6:157, 7:37, 10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 18:57, 29:68, 32:22, 39:32, 61:7). It literally refers to those who reject the Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran as "guilty" (Pickthall's translation, and others) (e.g., 7:40, 45:31, 74:41, 83:29, 6:147, 54:47).

From the following passage, I'm get the distinct impression that "Allah" considers the People of the Book, and anyone else who rejects the Quran and the messenger (Muhammad), as guilty of something rather serious.

pardon my typo above, "I get the distinct impression..."

As for the punishment for the above-mentioned "guilty" parties (all non-Muslims who disbelieve the Quran and Muhammad), it is not only to be delivered in hell by Allah in the hereafter, but also in this world (e.g., 13:34, 39:25-39:26, 3:56, 22:9). The Quran states that disbelievers will be tormented in this life (13:33-34), they will not escape in the earth (11:20), and that they are cursed by Allah, angels, and men (3:87-88). All humankind (34:28) is expected to obey the message of Muhammad (e.g., 7:157-158, 4:80), and if they don't, Muslims are expected to administer "justice," Allah's punishments, on earth (2:251, 9:14, 9:52, 57:25, 5:32-33).

With all of this in mind, when we turn to the Hadith and Sira, it becomes clearer how Muhammad and his followers reportedly punished the non-Muslims in this world. The invasion and conquering of the Khaybar Jews marks an early form of punishment of the "guilty" non-Muslims, who were subjected to an early form of the dhimma as imposed on non-Muslims by Muhammad.

What follows below in italics are some quoted sections from Muslim jurists cited in Bostom's (2005) edited volume.

The Legacy of Jihad, p. 261. From The Jihad or Holy War According to the Malikite School. Edmund Fagnan.

14… The dhimmi is punished if he “…manifests his religious opinions, if he speaks in a disrespectful manner…”
15… “The protection agreement is breached…when he insults a prophet using expressions permitted by his faith, such as the following which has been reported: ‘He is not the prophet, God did not send him—the Qur’an was not revealed to him—he’s the author of it—Jesus created Muhammad—Muhammad is a poor man: he tells you that he is in paradise, but why, then, could he not defend himself from the biting dogs?’21 The guilty party [in this last case] is put to death if he does not convert.”

The Jihad or Holy War According to the Malikite School. Edmund Fagan. In Andrew Bostom (2005), The Legacy of Jihad. pp. 251-266.
15. Breach of the head tax contract.
“The fate of the tributary who flees to an enemy country and is recaptured [is determined by the imam]; more particularly, he can be reduced to slavery, as long as his flight was not provoked by abusive acts, since in this case he is regarded as being guilty of highway robbery. If a band [of converted infidels] apostatizes and indulges in highway robbery, the individuals who make up the group are treated as [Muslim] apostates.”

The Legacy of Jihad, p. 207. From Shara ‘i’ u ‘l-Islam. Al-Hilli (d. 1277).
“The six conditions to which the infidel tributaries must be subjected are as follows:
…193 A tributary who blasphemes the prophet must be put to death.”
194. A tributary who speaks irreverently about the memory of the Prophet incurs a corporal punishment only, if the terms of the treaty did not include a prohibition of this act.5”
Note 5: “5. Otherwise, the treaty can be dissolved, since it has been violated.”

From Shara ‘i’ u l-Islam, by Al-Hilli (d. 1277), pp. 205-212. in Bostom, The Legacy of Jihad. (This refers to various laws and provisions for dhimmis by the thirteenth-century Shia jurist and scholar, Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hilli).

“167. Some infidels are permitted to retain the privilege of practicing their religion, in return for a tribute; they are Jews, the Christians, and those whose revealed scripture is of doubtful authenticity, that is, the guebres [Zoroastrians]. Any infidel other than those who profess one of the above-mentioned religions must be compelled to embrace Islam.”
[brackets added]
“[...] 177. When an infidel slave has been set free, he can be compelled to leave Muslim territory or else pay the tribute.”
“[...] 181. An infidel minor, upon attaining maturity, must be compelled to embrace Islam or else to be subjected to the tribute; if he refuses, he is to be reckoned as an enemy and treated as such.”
“222. The infidel woman captive or refugee who has embraced Islam must not be returned, even if she apostatizes, since her conversion brought her into the bosom of Islam.”
“230. An infidel who embraces a religion not recognized by his coreligionists must be prevented from doing so and compelled to choose between Islam and death.”
“234. An infidel who performs publicly an act that is not forbidden by his religion but which is prohibited by the precepts of Islam must be punished according to the precepts of Muslim law with respect to a Muslim.”

K of K note: The section above also states a provision that a non-Muslim woman is to be held captive by Muslim state, even if she, after having embraced Islam, had apostatized.

You know, it almost seems like you didn't actually read the OP before you copy/pasted from looney tunes.

Is my assumption correct?
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010
Yes I read it.

Spencer has been punked and you're now embarrassing yourself.

But hey, if you want to beat Spencer's drum - carry on. Read all the comments. There's no need to repeat Spencer's spanking here.

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
Really? It doesn't sound like you read what Spencer wrote.

Danios never mentions things like 'dhamma' in his post about Spencer, let alone explain that the root word of dhimmi, "Z-M-M", means the opposite of praise, etc, as Spencer points out.

Oh, and if Danios has 'punked' Spencer, why has Danios already admitted that he will respond to the new information that Spencer presented?
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010

As I said - read all the comments and read both the articles together. A comprehensive spanking has Spencer received.

Your tactic of selective quoting won't wash here - you're not going to be able to spin Spencer's public humiliation by just quoting bits of his arguments.

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
I have read the comments on both sides.

Danios simply did not address what Spencer brought up in the post I quoted.

Repeating yourself several times won't make it true.

If that wasn't the case, Danios would not need to say he needs more time to respond to what Spencer wrote.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010
Fair enough - I too have read the comments and the articles, and I'm truly surprised that you're taking Spencer's side on this discussion.

The articles are there for everyone to read and make up their own minds about who has won that discussion.

My assessment is pretty clear - Spencer has been exposed as a 'intellectual huckster'. The evidence is in the articles (and yes, even Spencer's rebuttals and Danios' counter rebuttals).

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
Danios hasn't yet offered a counter-rebuttal.

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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010
When he does, post it.

In the mean time - I'm still truly surprised you're backing Spencer. I guess you probably hope people don't click through and read Danios' demolition of Spencer's arguments and his responses.

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
You posted Danios' entire argument. It was pretty sad when one realized that Danios was simply unaware of what Spencer knew - not once does Danios mention the root word of dhimmi or also mention the word 'dhamma' in his response to Spencer.

But please, for entertainment's sake, re-post and highlight the parts from Danios' initial post you copy-pasted that you believe address what Spencer wrote:

Spencer wrote:Christians are also by definition guilty people. As I noted in my book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), "The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians 'People of the Book;' Islamic law calls them dhimmis, which means 'protected' or 'guilty' people-the Arabic word means both." While the classic Islamic laws regarding dhimmis are not in force in Egypt today, they're still part of Islamic law, and as such Islamic clerics regard them as the proper status that Christians and other "People of the Book" should assume in the Islamic state. The Arabic word ذمي‎ (dhimmi) is derived from ذمة‎ (dhimma), "'protection, custody'"), and from ذم‎ (dhamma), which means "to blame." Thus the dhimmis are the blamed, or guilty ones.

How is it that "protection" and "custody" can be related to "blame" and "guilt"? Dhimmi does indeed mean "protected," "guaranteed," and "secured," but the semantic connotations of the word pertain to "indebtedness" and "liability." That's according to the online Sakhr dictionary, which is not by any stretch of the imagination an "Islamophobic" publication -- for example, it translates the word "Israel" into "a Jewish country set up on the Palestinian land." So when it says that dhimmi has to do with guilt, it is not reflecting some anti-Muslim bias!

In any case, the Arabic root-word "Z-M-M" (from which "dhimmi" issues) means "the opposite of praise," that is, to "censure," "dispraise too much," "blame," "criticize," "find fault with," "accuse," "obligate," "hold liable," "hold in bad conscience," "accuse," and "hold guilty," etc. And that's not a semantic connotation, that is the meaning, according to the Elias Modern Arabic Dictionary.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010
I actually only posted the start of his rebuttal (anyone clicking the link will see this) - but hey, as I said, I'm still surprised you're aligning yourself with Spencer despite the drumming he got.

I'll let the Arabic speakers here comment on the authority of Lisan-al-Arab and whether the definition there is definitive or not.

Danios does not need me to spank Spencer's arguments - so, I'm just enjoying the demolition of his whole premise. In fact, it is extremely funny that you are making such a big deal over a imagined linguistic root of a word and ignoring the elephant in the room. LOL.

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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 28, 2010
eh - can you post the links to the comments you posted.

Eg. I gave the link to Danios' epic point by point demolition:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/11/the-ch ... himmitude/

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 28, 2010
I'm not sure what you mean when you say the two words share an imaginary root: Spencer is clear that it more than this as does another poster in the comments section - which is highly ironic coming from you given that you have in the past claimed that Islam=peace based on an imaginary root between S-L-M and the words 'peace' and 'submission'.

The fact that two words share a grammatical (phonlogical or phonetic) root does not mean that they share the same meaning, but in this case the meaning of zimmi and zimmah are directly related since zimmis are defined as members of the zimmah. In Robert's statement in the Politically Incorrect guide (p. 49), he is referring not to covenants generally but to the use of the Arabic word dhimmi (or dhimmis) in Islamic law as it refers to People of the Scripture and others who were subjugated under Islamic law.

The Quran itself in numerous places refers to the disbelief of Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran as the worst crime (6:21, 6:144, 6:157, 7:37, 10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 18:57, 29:68, 32:22, 39:32, 61:7). It literally refers to those who reject the Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran as "guilty" (Pickthall's translation, and others) (e.g., 7:40, 45:31, 74:41, 83:29, 6:147, 54:47).
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 29, 2010
I'm just pointing out that you're making a big fuss over what Spencer imagines the root of a word is when the reference standards for the Arabic language make it clear what the meanings are:

Dhimmi means “protected person” and in no way, shape, or form means “guilty.” One can simply open up an Arabic dictionary to prove that this has absolutely no basis in the reality-based world. For example, here’s what Lisan al-Arab (considered the most reliable Arabic dictionary in the classical age of Islam) says:

ورجل ذِمِّيٌّ: معناه رجل له عهد

(Dhimmi: A person with whom there exists a treaty)

والذِّمَّةُ العهد

(And ‘dhimmah’ means treaty)

قال الجوهري: الذِّمَّةُ أَهل العقد.

(Al-Jawhari says: Dhimmah refers to the people with whom there is a treaty)

وقال أَبو عبيدة الذِّمّةُ الأَمان

(Abu Ubaydah says: Dhimmah means protection/security)

وقوم ذِمَّةٌ: مُعاهدون أَي ذوو ذِمَّةٍ

But these are peripheral to Spencer's arguments - and even though this one was demolished, the main issues are addressed and comprehensively shown to be based on fanciful interpretations and lies:


Your whole argument now seems to hinge on selectively quoting an intellectual huckster who himself selectively quotes.

Careful, you may disappear up your own.. ;)

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people May 29, 2010
You must have missed where T.P. Hughe's, Sakhr, and the Elias Modern Arabic dictionary were quoted from by Spencer.

I'm just pointing out that you're making a big fuss over what Spencer imagines the root of a word is when the reference standards for the Arabic language make it clear what the meanings are:

Cool. You still arguing that Islam=peace, then?
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People May 29, 2010
shafique wrote:Your whole argument now seems to hinge on selectively quoting an intellectual huckster who himself selectively quotes.

Actually, I'm not sure you're even quoting Spencer any more when you're quoting the comments on JihadWatch!

As I said, your argument is with someone who can explain to you why Lisan al Arab etc is not wrong and contradicts the title of this thread.

It is still funny that you're focusing on this canard when Spencer's main arguments were comprehensively exposed as figments of his orientalist imagination. Hey, I guess you have to cling to what remains of a cherished belief.

Are you going to bring up your fantasy about me being short and fat as well? ;)

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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 06, 2010
Oh dear, eh's not going to be happy.

The TP Hughes quote above (and others) have been comprehensively dealt with - and Spencer (and by extension eh) has been well and truly punked.


I know eh balks at reading long posts - but 'eh' the whole page is blowing out of the water Spencer's argument. In respect of the quote you give... he deals with it about half way down (quoting it in full) and explaining
Notice how Kinana cites (the horribly outdated) T.P. Hughes’ A Dictionary of Islam, and yet he purposely places ellipses [...] in the definition of the word “zimmah” in order to hide the fact that the “blame” (or “guilt”) is attributed to the Islamic state, not the non-Muslim resident. This cannot be a mere mistake on the part of Kinana; it is academic deceit of the highest order. T.P. Hughes’ A Dictionary of Islam reads (emphasis is mine):

Zimmah, pl. zinam, from the root zamm, “to blame.” A compact, covenant, or contract, a league or treaty, any engagement or obligation, because the breaking thereof necessitates blame; and a right or due, for the neglect of which one is to be blamed. The word is also synonymous with aman, in the sense of security of life and property, protection or safeguard, and promise of such; hence ahlu ‘z-zimmah [dhimmis], or , with suppression of the noun ahlu, simply az-zimmah, the people with whom a compact or covenant has been made, and particularly the Kitabis, or the people of the book, i.e. Jews and Christians, and the Majusi or Sabeans, who pay the poll-tax called jazyah. [JAZYAH.] An individual of this class–namely, a free non-Muslim subject of a Muslim Government, who pays a poll- or capitation-tax, for which the Muslims are responsible for his security, personal freedom, and religious toleration–is called zimmi (see the following article).

See what happens when you selectively quote people who selectively quote? Tut tut.

But please, read all the other points made in the link - you'll hang your head in shame that you believed Spencer was spinning you something that was true!

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 17, 2010
Oh dear, "eh's" 'scholar of choice' on this topic is being 'punked' quite badly - again.

I predict that the JW minions will give excuses to explain away why their master Robert Spencer will refuse to debate me, instead of urging him to enter into a debate as they always do with other people who challenge his ideas. They already know that Spencer does not stand a chance in a debate with me, which is why they will continue to generate excuses to exonerate him from his intellectual cowardice. This is because deep down inside they know–as does everyone else who has followed his and my writings–what the outcome would be.

Full 'punking':

Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)Danios of LoonWatch Accepts Robert Spencer’s Challenge to a Debate
Posted on 17 June 2010 by Danios

Once again, Robert Spencer responds to one of my articles but refuses to take my name. I am forever “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” Spencer says:

And on those rare occasions when the opposition does offer a substantive response, it’s tissue-paper thin. A friend recently told me that he posted a lengthy rebuttal to a pseudo-scholarly presentation purporting to prove false something I said about the meaning of an Arabic word (my friend is a native Arabic speaker); his comment was summarily deleted.

My response is as follows:

1. “And on those rare occasions when the opposition does offer a substantive response”

I’ll take that as a compliment!

2. “it’s tissue-paper thin.”

Of the “ultra soft and strong” variety I hope.

3. “A friend”

I assume you are speaking of Kinana of Khabyar, who like you is an intellectual huckster.

4. “a pseudo-scholarly presentation”

As I said before, this is a bad case of projection: Spencer tries to pass himself off as a scholar despite his lack of scholarly credentials, so he simply assumes that everyone else is trying to do the same. I have never claimed to be a scholar, and it truly amazes me that he would even assume that I tried to be “scholarly” considering I used the word “sh*% hole” in the title of my article. How many scholarly works have you read that speak with such an irreverent tone? The fact that Spencer would even think this speaks volumes about how little he knows about scholarship.

5. “native Arabic speaker”

Is that supposed to impress me? Kinana of Khaybar could be a professor in Arabic for all I care or the Queen of England. None of that changes the fact that he is guilty of academic deceit.

6. “his comment was summarily deleted.”

A lie. I never deleted Kinana’s comment. He never posted it on our site. Instead, he posted it on JihadWatch, and someone posted the link to it on our site, which you will see is still very much there. But let’s even assume–simply for argument’s sake–that I “summarily deleted” his comment. Not only is the link posted by an Islamophobe still on our site, but I myself reproduced the link in my counter-response as well as his response itself!

7. “he posted a lengthy rebuttal”

Let’s recap the debate. First, Robert Spencer claimed in his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), that the word “dhimmis” translates to both “protected people” as well as “guilty people.” He went on to say that non-Muslim residents are called “guilty people” (or “dhimmis”) because they rejected the prophethood of Muhammad and altered their scriptures. I wrote an article declaring all this to be a bold-faced lie and proof that Spencer is an intellectual huckster who is guilty of wholesale fabrication.

Both Robert Spencer and his friend Kinana of Khaybar responded to my article. Spencer tried to cover his ass by moving the goalposts: instead of defending his claim that the word “dhimmis” means “guilty people”, Spencer argued that the word “dhimmis” is related to the word “guilt.” Kinana attempted to strengthen this argument by citing various Arabic dictionaries that linked the word “dhimmis” with “guilt.” In my counter-response, I exposed the intellectual chicanery that Kinana was engaging in: he quoted only a part of the dictionary definition, purposefully omitting the critical part which clearly explained that the “guilt” was associated not with the non-Muslim residents as Spencer and Kinana claimed, but with the Islamic state should it violate the rights of the non-Muslim residents.

Furthermore, the claim that the non-Muslim residents were called “dhimmis” because they were guilty of rejecting the prophethood of Muhammad and altering their scriptures is complete fabrication from the conspiratorial mind of Robert Spencer. Neither Spencer or Kinana sought to explain this bit of wholesale fabrication.

My question now is: whose response is “tissue-paper thin”? Will Spencer or Kinana care to defend their academic honesty (or in this case their lack thereof)? My guess is that they will try to avoid issuing “a substantive response” as much as possible.

In the same post, Robert Spencer bellows:

The list of the Leftist and Muslim academics and apologists who have refused my challenge to debate is very long; they know they can’t refute what I say on the basis of evidence, so they resort to broad-based smears and personal attacks — and haughty refusals to debate.

I accept your challenge, Spencer. I agree to a radio debate with you on the topic of jihad and “dhimmitude”, namely chapters 1-4 of your book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). It will then be seen if you can defend your own writing, which I argue is a load of sensationalist crock.

Will you accept my challenge to debate or cower in fear? My guess is that you “know [you] can’t refute what I say” and will “resort to…haughty refusals to debate.”

I predict that the JW minions will give excuses to explain away why their master Robert Spencer will refuse to debate me, instead of urging him to enter into a debate as they always do with other people who challenge his ideas. They already know that Spencer does not stand a chance in a debate with me, which is why they will continue to generate excuses to exonerate him from his intellectual cowardice. This is because deep down inside they know–as does everyone else who has followed his and my writings–what the outcome would be.

Spencer backing down from a debate with me would be curious, considering that he has already conceded that my writings are “rare occasions when the opposition does offer a substantive response.” Spencer, are you saying that you can debate with people so long as they don’t give you a substantive response, in which case you flee?

No matter, I’ll continue to pulverize your arguments in my articles. Speaking of which, I’m almost done with my latest one (on the topic of jihad). Stay tuned.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/06/danios ... -a-debate/
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 17, 2010
Actually Danios frequently deletes (does not approve) comments he doesn't like.

They aren't off topic, just comments that he doesn't agree with. More than half of my comments on the articles over at that website have not been approved/deleted over the three or four weeks I started making comments over there.

Ironically, he allows long (and short) tirades about the crusades, Zionist policies, or whatever else that fits his personal agenda.

As for dhimmi=guilty ones, I ask again: Does Islam=peace ?

You can't have your cake and eat it too, snowball.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 17, 2010
Ha ha - see point 6 above.

eh - Spencer's lies and hucksterishness have been exposed. Even you can't spin this one. ;)

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 17, 2010
Well I know Danios is lying because he summarily deleted more than half of my comments.

So, I can believe what Danios is saying that he never deletes on-topic comments that do not tell him how great he is or I can hold a belief from my own personal experience that Danios regularly deletes comments from "Islamophobes" and he has lied about not deleting them.

Oh, and isn't it funny how he drops the word "Islamophobe" to describe anyone who doesn't agree with him?

Someone questioned his methodology on the Muslim are terrorists thread and Danios quickly labeled that person an Islamophobe.

Imagine if everyone in the comments section of a website is labeled an Anti-Semite because they don't agree with the author ?

LoL. Muslims and their ilk are the real loons.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 17, 2010
Are complaining that Danios brushed you off? You didn't post some quaint belief or link to some weird website did you?

Anyway - that's all beside the point, the point here is that Danios has comprehensively punked Spencer's argument about the meaning of dhimmi.

If the best comeback you have is 'Mummy, mummy - isn't Danios a bad man for calling my hero an Islamophobe' you've lost it eh. Spencer is a classic Islamophobe because he writes Islamophobic nonsense that has been exposed for what it is.

Re-read your last post eh - there's nothing in it that addresses the arguments against Spencer. Nada. Nothing. Just whining.

Speaks volumes that. ;)

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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 18, 2010
eh - I had a look to see if I could recognise any comments from you to Danios' articles on loonwatch.

I have to say, you're keeping a low profile over there. ;)

Anyway, it will be fascinating to see what Spencer's response is to Danios' acceptance of his challenge for a debate on this subject. Whilst I'm expecting Spencer to bottle it and run and hide, I am hopeful that he won't and we'll get to watch/read/listen to a head to head debate. Do you think Spencer will bottle it?

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 18, 2010
Danios is an effective censor. I'll give him that.

But the question remains; does the word Islam mean peace, rather than just submission, as the scholars will say? If yes, then you totally agree with what Robert has already written.

I love you how you manage to contradict yourself.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 18, 2010
I didn't ask you whether you thought Danios was an effective censor or not (you provide no proof for your slurs, as usual), I asked whether you thought your Guru will follow through on his challenge to Danios for a debate. Danios has accepted the challenge - let's see what happens next.

Spencer and Kinana have already back-pedalled on the subject matter in the header (that Dhimmi = 'guilty people') - but you seem to be holding on to this cherished belief of yours. ;)

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 18, 2010
Yes, it's pretty hard to provide proof that your posts are deleted.

Durrrr. And you would know something about that....

Spencer and Kinana have already back-pedalled on the subject matter in the header (that Dhimmi = 'guilty people') - but you seem to be holding on to this cherished belief of yours.

I'm simply explaining that Muslims can't have their cake and eat it too.

If we are to believe that Islam=peace, then dhimmi also means guilty people. Spencer has already shown this relation - no one argues that the words share the same root words.

But hey, I fully expect some to ignore these facts.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 18, 2010
I agree that you have no proof for your slurs, but I also said it is moot. Spencer's arguments (in his article you quoted in the first post) have been comprehensively exposed as false.

Now, you are desperately trying to change the subject to the meaning of Islam. The problem is that this has been done and dusted - you provided evidence against yourself on the subject and were punked in that thread too. In fact, it ended with me providing a non-Muslim expert who confirmed the points we were making (as you requested) - and with you hanging in the wind unable to provide one reference/expert/spoof article to support your view.

Aslama is the verb from which the word Islam derives from. You stated this in a previous post.

The full meaning of Aslama has been posted above. You have been invited to check in any lexicon or dictionary to confirm the fact Aslama also means 'entered into peace'. I see just evasion on your part.

Ergo, once again your Orientalist views have been shown to rely on selective quotations and the wilful ignoring of evidence when posted.

Islam is the active participle of the verb 'aslama' and their meanings all derive from the root s-l-m.

In all the quotes you've given, the meaning of Islam is shown to be that of 'Aslama' (the verb) - and in any case is a short-cut to the full meaning which is 'way of life chosen by those who submit to the will of God to find peace' - 'way of life' (i.e. religion) is implied and understood, as is 'will of God'.

However, the 'submit' and 'peace' are integral in the meaning of 'Aslama'.

You are happy that 'religion' is an implicit meaning. You have separately acknowledged that aslama does indeed have a meaning of 'entering into peace' ..


So, the crucial difference is that Islam does indeed have a secondary meaning of 'peace', with the primary meaning 'submission (to the Will of God)' - BUT dhimmi in no way means 'guilty person'. The only sense in which the root word has 'guilt' in its meaning, is shown in Danios' article above and relates to the guilt of MUSLIMS should they break the covenant of security. Ergo Dhimmi does not in any sense mean guilty person.

Anyway, let's see whether Spencer runs away from Danios' acceptance for a debate and whether you make a bigger fool of yourself and quote spoof fantasies from Islamophobic websites as news items again. ;)

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Re: dhmmis: guilty people Jun 18, 2010
Wow. Just wow.

You are so obtuse that you not only didn't understand the arguments made by actual scholars in that thread, but you couldn't understand the explanation of someone who actually reads Arabic telling you that you were wrong.

But hey, I guess this is a daily thing for someone who lectures others on his 'vast knowledge' of Bible but (repeatedly) claims that Jesus was the author of the epistle of James. Yeah, you're an expert alright.

So let's see the points you made and so how they differ from the ones Spencer makes:

Aslama is the verb from which the word Islam derives from. You stated this in a previous post.

Good. And 'dhimmi' is derived from 'dhimma' (protection, custody) and 'dhamma' (to blame). So we both agree that dhimmi is derived from an Arabic word that has the meaning of 'to blame'.

Thanks for agreeing with me there.

Islam is the active participle of the verb 'aslama' and their meanings all derive from the root s-l-m.

Good point. The meanings of 'dhimmi' also all derive from 'dhamma' and 'dhimma'.

However, the 'submit' and 'peace' are integral in the meaning of 'Aslama'.

Ditto with regards to 'dhimmi' and 'dhamma'. Once again, good point.

But wait, Spencer goes further than this. He explains that the root word of dhimmi, 'Z-M-M' means to find fault with, to blame, etc.

So, dhimmis can correctly be understood as the guilty people.
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Re: Dhmmis: Guilty People Jun 18, 2010

Let me re-quote point 7 from Danios above:
Let’s recap the debate. First, Robert Spencer claimed in his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), that the word “dhimmis” translates to both “protected people” as well as “guilty people.” He went on to say that non-Muslim residents are called “guilty people” (or “dhimmis”) because they rejected the prophethood of Muhammad and altered their scriptures. I wrote an article declaring all this to be a bold-faced lie and proof that Spencer is an intellectual huckster who is guilty of wholesale fabrication.

Both Robert Spencer and his friend Kinana of Khaybar responded to my article. Spencer tried to cover his peach by moving the goalposts: instead of defending his claim that the word “dhimmis” means “guilty people”, Spencer argued that the word “dhimmis” is related to the word “guilt.” Kinana attempted to strengthen this argument by citing various Arabic dictionaries that linked the word “dhimmis” with “guilt.” In my counter-response, I exposed the intellectual chicanery that Kinana was engaging in: he quoted only a part of the dictionary definition, purposefully omitting the critical part which clearly explained that the “guilt” was associated not with the non-Muslim residents as Spencer and Kinana claimed, but with the Islamic state should it violate the rights of the non-Muslim residents.

Furthermore, the claim that the non-Muslim residents were called “dhimmis” because they were guilty of rejecting the prophethood of Muhammad and altering their scriptures is complete fabrication from the conspiratorial mind of Robert Spencer. Neither Spencer or Kinana sought to explain this bit of wholesale fabrication.

Try and keep up eh.

We'll now wait and see whether your Guru, Bob 'the huckster' Spencer, follows through on his challenge to Danios and debates with him.

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