Deadly Bird Flu

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Deadly Bird Flu Oct 16, 2005
Its been a year and the case of the H5N1(bird flu) virus is getting deadlier. Starting from China,
I wanna ask what the hell is wrong with China??
First SARS and now this. However this is deadlier because you can't keep track of migrating birds so you cant keep track of it. It has reached Europe and a health Official in US said," It is impossible to stop the outbreak".

Whts your opinion?

Dubai forums Addict
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Oct 18, 2005
first of all why do u blame china for bird flu? And yes those Chinese ppl eat anything and dont have s*ex with anything. LONG LIVE CHINA COMMUNISTS! :lol:
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 18, 2005
Never mind where it started, it could have easily been spread by migrating birds from somewhere else, but regardsless it now has a firm foothold in Europe, Greece having just found it's first cases.

This is very scarey, if the mutated strain that is passed among people isn't stopped it could kill millions across the globe. And I'm not sure how effective the vaccinations are against it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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