Danes Publish The Cartoons Again..

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Danes publish the cartoons again.. Feb 13, 2008
Heard from a friend that its gonna be exciting few weeks.. I would say, its not very wise of them to do it.. considering that there are danes living outside .. and knowing the repercussions.

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Feb 13, 2008
How can you prove this cartoon showing mate?
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Feb 13, 2008
gezza wrote:How can you prove this cartoon showing mate?

Read it on Gulf news

Spoke to a dear friend from DF (:D :lol: )who lives in Denmark..
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Re: Danes publish the cartoons again.. Feb 13, 2008
St.Lucifer wrote:Heard from a friend that its gonna be exciting few weeks.. I would say, its not very wise of them to do it.. considering that there are danes living outside .. and knowing the repercussions.

Not this one again, where are the facts Lucif?
sage & onion
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Re: Danes publish the cartoons again.. Feb 13, 2008
sage & onion wrote:
St.Lucifer wrote:Heard from a friend that its gonna be exciting few weeks.. I would say, its not very wise of them to do it.. considering that there are danes living outside .. and knowing the repercussions.

Not this one again, where are the facts Lucif?

Hey Sagey.. how r u?

k facts.. i've posted the link there...
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Feb 14, 2008
its all over the news this morning..

i love it when shit like this takes place, the irony of it all is the retaliation from religious groups that goes and asserts everything claimed by the danish artist.
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Feb 14, 2008
Yes. it is all headlines now all over....arent they too hard-headed... :(
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Feb 14, 2008
Well, they can print the story without the cartoon. I have no idea why they want to open that can of worms again... :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 14, 2008
where i come from its called razzing

stirring the pot

its always fun to razz others and watch their reactions, brings out such raw emotions.

social experiments on a global scale, love it.
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Feb 14, 2008
I guess they are nostalgic of the reactions from the cartoons and are bold enough to stir it up again in order to see what kind of reaction this time it will provoke.Speaks of arrogance I say on their part...and stupidity as well....
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Feb 14, 2008
This is a press release from the UK (slightly edited by me to remove some names) - and it sums up my views better than I could put them:


This Muslim Community strongly condemns news from Denmark that a series of caricatures which caused a great deal of controversy two years ago have been reprinted. Such caricatures are extremely hurtful to all peace loving Muslims and not just those fanatical extremists who have tarnished the image of Islam.

Let there be no doubt that such caricatures are extremely provocative and inflammatory.

The Danish newspapers have allegedly justified their actions on the basis of defending their right to 'freedom of speech'. However such vulgarity regarding any sacred person of any religion can never be justified. Freedom of expression is not a licence to forget about the heartfelt sentiments of people.

Those who have allowed these cartoons to be published ought to be in no doubt that there actions will cause anguish to millions of people around the world.

The Press Secretary of the Muslim Community, said:

"Muslims regard the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the most excellent model of virtue and dignity in the history of mankind. And thus these images are utterly offensive to any Muslim and indeed to any person who cares for the feelings of others.

The journalists involved know very well the reaction these cartoons caused two years ago. And thus by reprinting them they know that they are likely to cause severe distress to many millions of people around the world. What then can be the benefit of displaying such vulgar images?

It is reported that the Danish authorities have apprehended three persons in respect of a plot to harm one of the journalists involved with the original cartoons. If the Danish authorities are correct then we wholly condemn the motives of those three people as their actions can never be justified. However neither can the subsequent response of those Danish news editors who have allowed these hurtful repellent images to be publicly displayed once again.”

Our Muslim Community has spread throughout the world by adhering to its message of "Love for All, Hatred for None". It is hoped that this message is taken to heart by all people no matter what their colour, creed or religion. By printing these cartoons certainly those responsible have not followed this message of love but have in fact taken the opposite path.

It is further hoped that this sad episode does not result in the violent reaction that was witnessed two years ago. As Muslims we defend the honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through our words and through our prayers and not through senseless violence that is never justified.

End of Release
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Feb 15, 2008
Well, in normal journalistic practice I'm sure that there would be a re-print of the item related to the person that the story is about, but in this case the item is too offensive and should not be included. The story is not weaker or poorly reported if the item is not included, so the freedom of speech justification is ridiculous in my opinion. It is showing a lack of respect again, but I guess they find it more important to stress free speech instead of showing respect to a population of people who were deeply offended last time. I don't respect that choice and I am a big fan of free speech. :(
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 15, 2008
there are millions of cartoons about every religious figure known to man.

leave free speech out of this, its what makes developed countries TRUE free countries, with no censorship, or shame to say anything... it is true freedom... not everyone lives a sheltered life scared of speaking their mind, and not all countries have their media and internet censored to the way the government wants it - simple.

you have your traditions, they have theirs, muslims are making a big deal out of nothing because they cease to understand other people's culture of religious and political freedom.... its not that complicated!!
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Feb 15, 2008
The teddybear has had to go back into hiding again :roll:
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Feb 15, 2008
To be perfectly honest, after the violence that went on the last time, the Danish deserve everything they get on this one :shock: :shock: :shock:
sage & onion
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Feb 15, 2008
ebonics wrote:there are millions of cartoons about every religious figure known to man.

leave free speech out of this, its what makes developed countries TRUE free countries, with no censorship, or shame to say anything... it is true freedom... not everyone lives a sheltered life scared of speaking their mind, and not all countries have their media and internet censored to the way the government wants it - simple.

you have your traditions, they have theirs, muslims are making a big deal out of nothing because they cease to understand other people's culture of religious and political freedom.... its not that complicated!!

Its got nothing to do with tradition they are doing it to cause offense.
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Feb 15, 2008
sage & onion wrote:To be perfectly honest, after the violence that went on the last time, the Danish deserve everything they get on this one :shock: :shock: :shock:

for practicing the freedom to express themselves, and their thoughts?

why don't you go kill them all.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

in reply to the above, they are doing it to express their thoughts, of course things will rub some people the wrong way, how these people react shows their basic building blocks..

in closing

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Feb 15, 2008
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Feb 18, 2008
Can I ask the Muslim readers on here how what they think the prophets reaction or what his feelings would have been to the pictures / cartoons?

Or is it more important how they feel? I often here how the prophet provides an excellent guide to good conduct through example and teaching so would be interested to hear.
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Feb 18, 2008
Jabba - excellent question.

My feelings are exactly as per the press release I posted earlier.

In terms of Blasphemy - insulting God - the Quran is clear that there is no earthly punishment for blasphemers, and there isn't a punishment ordained for them. The only injuction of the Quran is for people get up and leave the company of those who are talking ill of God, and not to rejoin their company until they stop (so not even to permanently boycot them).

Now, if the insult of God is not punishable, insulting the Prophet is definitely not a punishable act in Islam.

How would the Prophet have felt? He was human and I guess he would say - don't buy the paper, don't associate with them until they stop.

There is a Hadith about a companion who came to him and reported that he was debating with a Christian (I think - or it could have been a Jew) about who was a better prophet - Muhammad or Moses (or it might have been Jonah or Jonas - I can't remember).

Anyway - the Prophet's reply was very instructive - he told the companion something along the lines 'Do not say to him that I am a greater prophet - for it would be hurt the other person's feelings'.

He did not deny that he was a greater prophet in status - but the other person was instructed not hurt the other persons feelings by making that point.

I would imagine therefore that he would be hurt that others do not extend the same courtesy to Muslims.

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Feb 19, 2008
Thanks Shafique.

I was also thinking of the story when the prophet would walk to pray everyday and the old women would throw her rubbish at him each time (you can imagine what rubbish would have been then - lots of smelly meat cuttings and rotten vegetables).

The story goes that each time he would pat himself down, remain composed and calm (far from wanting someones head to be cut off) and continue on his way.

One day he found the woman was not there and did not appear to heckle him, so he went and inquired in the house to she if she was well and ok. It turns out the old woman was Ill and when she saw Mohammad had come to she if she was ok and was concerned for her well being she was so shocked that she spoke with him and embraced Islam.

I often remember this story and think of it when someone drives badly or does / says something insulting.

P.S - when can I read more about life experiences such as the above in the quaran - I am not so into the reading about allah, but things that the prophet said and experienced. Any links would be good.
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Feb 19, 2008
lol the danes are gonna get a good bashing now. i hate it when some nuts in the viking community decides hey there lets get drunk and we will draw a cartoon of the prophet. lol and next thing u know they are dead. bloody had their heads chopped off like a bloody goat being ready for sacrafice :D bloody deserves what they get. stirring trouble. blooody vikings. nice viking women though ahem :P
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Feb 20, 2008
You really think someones head should be removed from their shoulders because they drew a cartoon? You must be kidding, surely?
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Feb 20, 2008
jabbajabba wrote:You really think someones head should be removed from their shoulders because they drew a cartoon? You must be kidding, surely?

jabbajabba ok i ll tell you the physic of the muslim ppl. most of us are nice, funny and intelligent ppl. now if u were to make fun out of me thats all good. if u made fun of how pakis drive taxis and how indians smell of curry thats all fine with me. but whats not fine with me is when someone makes fun of my religion or the prophet. yeh i am not an extremist nor am i some crazy guy who will blow himself up wont do this because have been educated and i know whats wrong and right. but yeh i would protest against such things. protest peacefully like i m rite now on this forum.

the prophet i am sure must have come across many ppl during his life who would make fun of him or mock him. but i am pretty much sure that he never raised his hand at them or ever looked at them in a angry manner. he probably ignored them.

but the sad fact is that the muslims worldwide are being targetted and its a sad fact that even the vikings from denmark happen to be nice ppl especially the norweign girls ahem :P there happen to be some sick vile f£"ed up ppl who thought of drawing this cartoon for the heck of it. to stir up trouble and to create more hatred amongst danes and the muslim community.

now i was being sarcastic when i said removing their heads from the shoulder but if that really does happen then this guy deserves it because hey he started it :D. isnt that what you all say when you want to cricitise islam??? that hey the muslims started it so they should die.

and now it hurts you because one lonely ass sitting in norway decides to publish a cartoon of the prophet?? didnt he start all this?? so he will get what he deserves
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