Charlie Wilson's War -

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Charlie Wilson's War - Jan 21, 2008
wat a great movie it is isnt it. It shows how easy it is to win a war and how kind americans are towards other nations
but they have only one bad habbit that they always " Just Leave" at the end. what a great movie to tell the truth
about the great war to the ugly habitants of this planet.

This is how your free media spits on ur faces by telling you "The Truth" which was never true. I only said americans because
Brits have yet to come on board with their version of their greatness on this great issue.

Lets talk about "Charli Wilson War".

All they have shown is that charli gave weapons to pak army and how few afghan warriors just shot those helicopters down. That bit of information is true but
this is not how you win wars is it. It was a super power who was fighting in that reigion. Its not easy to win war like this.
somebody has to plan war games to win it. Indeed their is a real Hero who won it for americans and for muslim jahadiz.

"General Akhter Abdur Rehman"

Credit goes to this man who fought this war in such a way that history will remember him as "The Great General".
americans dont deserve credit for this war as they dont have that capability to execute even a small staged event properly.

Yes indeed amerians provided weapons but their generals were not there to design war games. Even in this movie they have not mentioned even a single war game
or real war tactics to win such a fight. Yes they have provided billions as funding but only money was not enough to win, If it was then they should fought a direct war with russians.
General Akhtar was the one who used all that funding and weapons to defeat russians. It was him who did it. It was his planning, his war games , his execution and his courage which won that war.

As soon as the war was over bush senior started to talk about putting this world in order and he was having this " Big Idea" which is still in process as
people r submitting themselves to that idea by looking at someone like Bush Jr as lender of the last resort who will take them out of all crises.

The first thing americans did ( which they r very good at) was to kill those who stood by them and fought that war for them. They killed
all those Generals including Zia and General Akhter who played key role in this war. Every single one was killed as their plane was exploded while in the air.

Second thing they did was to stage terror attacks to achieve two things. Giving muslim world some Heroes(USAma & Sadam) and to play this game from both sides. Every event is
a true example of their incapability of designing and execution even in a very controlled environment. If they cant execute a stage event properly then how come they
can win a war like that. They have played a role on both sides of every event and will continue to do that until and unless another power comes along.

Throughout nineties they supported "Ahmed shah Masuad" in afghanistan by giving him weapons, training camps and media exposure in the whole world and then
killed him just two days before they staged their biggest event 911. He was the only leading person who knew it all along and was trying to harmonise all the
war lords( like abdur rashid dostam etc.) who were created by pak army, americans and Brits, as soon as war was over for their own interests to control the region.

Britons staged their terror event when they saw that americans have got away with something like 911.Otherwise Brits have been more sensible in carrying out
their cunningness in a much better way than what they have shown on 7/7. Ofcourse they hav'nt investigated this event and they never will because if you look at
the video of explosion and official storey which is about home made bombs, they will be in big trouble .( It doesnt add up).

As this game is still going on, one can easily predict for the future of pakistan in all this. They are systimatically makeing it a Fail State and Pakistan has to emerge as
a Fail State in near future as a strong country in that rigion is not in americans interests.

As that wise man said in the movie


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