It is American/Israeli proposal As far as i know.
I didn't read the article, as it is too early in the morning for me to do so
Thanks for the link freza, bookmarked and i'll read it.
Honestly such a map provokes me and make me feel sad.
While all the world is fighting racism, this New middle east is enhancing it but dividing people in countries according to their race. Which in my opinion is rediculious.
There are huge minorities in Europe and the states.
Go to Belgium for example, Antwerb is full of Jews.... Why don't you move Israel there???
Brussels, go to the north train station and you will think you are in Morroco... Why don't you give them part???
Hispanicsin south of USA, give them part, Italians, Lebanese, Brits in Australia... Why don't give them part......!!!!!!
I know some poeple will make arguments based on Histoical data, but then..... Where are the red indians in the states...
Anyway, it is just a way to break up big countries and have more countries in the Region so that the oil would be among more, and more countries means, more unrest, more allies and more enemies, so voia la (mind my bad french) you will have good weapons market, more US involvment, and more puppet governments.... And most important,
Secured future oil reserve.
This is my humble opinoin which is as always might be right or wrong.
And BTW ... historically, and politically.... Check maps, ANY MAP before 1948..... me, nothing named Israel ever existed.
So how can it "lose" land in this New middle east. It still see it as occupation forces until 1948 map is back...