In a country that spends billions of dollars on its prisons, babbles incessantly about law and order, and now has 6.7 million of its citizens behind bars, in the case of the greatest crime in its history — the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington — the official panel appointed by the president to investigate this catastrophic caper decided that finding out who really did it was unimportant, and devoted no time to pursuing the matter.
Let me say it again. Every politician in America campaigns using rabid law-and-order, anti-terror rhetoric, and applauds the pathetic fact that the U.S. spends much more money on jails than it does on schools. Putting criminals in jail is a top priority for all aspiring political candidates. Yet when it came to conducting a competent investigation of the greatest crime in American history, the panel, which was appointed by the very thugs who many consider to be the real perpetrators of the entire tragedy, made no effort to find out who the guilty parties actually were. Instead, a seedy group of compromised political functionaries relied on baseless and unsubstantiated fictions by the patrician powermongers who run the U.S., and conducted no real investigation at all.