.i.e the case of pagans,tribes, certain groups of jews and christians refusing to recognise the reestablishment of God's pure religion.
Yes, I'm aware that 'God' in the Koran has sent intermediaries to punish disbelievers in times past. The Koran records a number of cities where the civilians were all massacred by Allah's followers - men, women and children.
It speaks volumes that shafique sides with al Qaeda on the issue of massacring disbelievers. I do not condone what Allah orders in the Koran and I join any Muslim who denounces the massacres of the peace loving civilians who were killed because Allah told his followers to clean house.
I also would imagine, logically speaking, that Ibrahim should be considered to be a religious fanatic because he was willing to kill his own son because Allah told him so. Strangely, shafique has decided to skirt around my question if he also considers Ibrahim to be a religious fanatic.
Apparently, because Ibrahim was stopped at the last minute from sacrificing his son (because Allah told him to sacrifice a ram or something), that makes the whole episode of Ibrahim's attempted sacrifice perfectly acceptable. One has to wonder if that type of logic would wash if that story was found in non-sacred literature.