say what?? oh child plz . I've been addressing your conjectures, even though nothing gets through you, I've still addressed them.So, instead of addressing the contradictions you question my motives. Hmm.
and I love innovations! I enjoy reading material that sheds "new light" and controversy into the Bible. But I know how to distinguish between innovations and bullcrap.
Did you notice how I stated that I read from several established Christian groups including Catholics and Protestant groups? Also I've mentioned this many MANY times before: I think that ALL established and SERIOUS Christian groups are VALID on their own basis even with differences that I might not agree with, they're still a lot more valid than not.
Re: JW. let me pose a scenario. If a Christian group comes along that does not believe in organized religion, or science for that matter, but calls itself..well let's just say it doesn't know what to refer to its group except for tax break purposes, it calls itself a religion but in actuality they're more like a sect, ok, well this group claims to have a new understanding of the Bible, for example. And they take huge liberties of interpretation and claim that the messiah was actually a certain Lord Xenu who came from a far away galaxy on a spaceship and landed on earth in the middle of a ring of active volcanoes. In the midst of all of al this this, there was a series of major explosions that killed many humans while aliens were running amok brainwashing the rest of the humans, the ones that survived. OK, would you Shafique, consider this group to be attempting a genuine understanding of the Bible? Serious question.
No, the JW don't believe in this stuff, and I'm of course alluding to Scientology, though obviously not a Christian group, they're a perfect example of a sect that has gotten its "influences" from a variety of works of literature, religions, philosophies and psychology and have formed a truly...bizarre interpretation of these works to arrive to their "philosophy". Do long-established religions consider Scientology a serious religion? I think not.
The JW is not a group that is taken seriously by the established Christian groups for several reasons, as the ones I've briefly mentioned but others that you can find out for yourself. But mainly, it's a group that butchers the Bible to fit their pre-determined belief system (a practice that you understand well, I'm sure). I think you love this group as an example because it serves as fodder for your critique of Christianity and also, they criticize established Christian groups, so hey, even better! Kinda reminds me of the Christian Zionists who naturally profess such a strong allegiance towards Judaism. But in reality, it's not that they love the Jews, it's that the Jews serve a self-serving purpose to these "Christians": shared political allegiances of the extreme American right as well as religious purposes. The Jews in their so-called "promised land" will hasten Christian Zionists prophecies, but alas, some Jews will still be condemned to hell.

Here's another suggestion, since you're so into inconsistencies and really fond of the JW. Why haven't you ever tried to point out the inconsistencies of the Jehova's Witness Bible?