Once again....don't mean to be rude. But its just the way I get fired up when I concentrate so show grace, please. Thank you.

Except for their humanoid outlook, the ape has no other resemblance of man. Not even their cells. If we came from ape, there will be some form of cell that reminds us of that link.
Just because archeaologist finds a mans skull next to that of a ape's skele don't mean we were apes.
1972, scientist thought they found the skele to the missing and claimed that they have found the remains of an ape man. It made it on the news. Later on , other scientists did forensic tests and identified the owner of the skull. It belong to a General Lafayette that died in battle many many years ago. They early scientists thought it was an ape man because General Lafayette had extremely high foreheads.
Just look at James Brown. You'd think he's the missing link too.
And by the way Charles Darwin wrote the theory on the evolution of man.
Just before he died, he announced that his theory is wrong and that people should from then on stop quoting him on this flawed theory.
There are still apes in the zoo, you don't see naked man banging on the cages from inside time to time do you?
The billions of year earth time theory has absolutely no evidence. ONLY theories. If you notice results from individual research firms comes up with numbers thats couple of hundreds of thousands of years difference. That tells you the way they calculate is wrong.
The Carbon14 dating formula used by the scientists will ONLY be accurate if the weather has stayed the same throughout these "billions and billions of years". And we all know it did not. C14 test is based on the decomposition of C14 found on all things that has been exposed to the sun..no matter how briefly. The rate it decomposes, count backwards...and you have your answer. BUT. The sun IS getting hotter because of the thining of the atmosphere. The Bible stated that the earth was surrounded by miles and miles of water and that extremely low UV made it through that atmosphere and thus people lived thousands of years. This water shield collapsed when God drowned the world. Except Noah and his family and certain animals.
And at that....the earth is not more then 11,000 years old. Believe it or not. Thats the truth. Scientists today get the "billions and billions" of year number because of time expansion. As we all know, the universe is constantly expanding. Try drawing a dot on a rubber band every 1cm. Now stretch that rubberband and you will realise the dots are now further apart . But the initial distance is still 1cm.
Evolution theory - Flawed
Man - By God
Age of earth - ~appx 11,000yrs
God Bless.