An American on vacation in Lebanon said somethings very senseful.
"Going to the beach would mean going to the South — something I promised my family I wouldn't do under any circumstances, let alone to get some sun. Rest easy, Mom, we're not going to the beach.
Instead, TV has served as a more likely escape valve. It's funny … From inside a conflict, you somehow expect the world to stop on the outside. But it doesn't. It keeps going. This hits you every time you turn on the TV. Oprah is still talking to celebrities. The Animaux Channel is still playing nature shows about sharks and pandas, dubbed over in French. The Discovery Channel is still talking about U-Boats. And Chandler is still marrying Monica while Ross and Rachel work things out.",2933,206116,00.html
Israel's Government is so arrogrant and bastards. I was really saddened by the civilian casualties in Leb, especially when i saw the attacks hit mostly women and children.
Israel wants history to repeat itself, that a hitler like person be born having tremendous hatred against jews.
The Strange thing is holocaust survivors are among Israel's poorest population. ... verty.html
World War III just keeps getting closer