Allah Is The God Of The Bible

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
event horizon wrote:Hey, I didn't know Allah is in the Bible.

It is in Arabic Bibles - you really should try and read what is posted eh. Really. :roll:

But why the rant- I only asked why you won't address the fact that the Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham - and the name of that one God is Allah? Is your argument that Abraham worshipped Satan? Really?


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
Nucleus wrote: event horizon wrote:What about those Satanic scriptures that say they are?

:shock: So arabic and armanic bible is satanic scripture to you?

You should try this thing called reading.

Works for most people.

But why the rant- I only asked why you won't address the fact that the Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham - and the name of that one God is Allah? Is your argument that Abraham worshipped Satan? Really?

Yes, it's my argument that your false god exists and is the same God of Christianity and Judaism because your false holy book says so.

Speaking of what holy books say, Satan worshipers believe your god is the same as their god.

What a coincidence!

Therefore, your god is Satan. Their Satanic texts say as much.

Thankfully, I don't have to worry about Christian and Jewish God being Muslim allah and therefore Satan. I reject Muslim allah as myth. So, Christian and Jewish God is not Muslim allah or Satan.

But, unfortunately for you, you must believe your god is Satan. Their holy text says so.

Reading for you won't help.

Your logic, not mine.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
It appears that eh has a new Islamophobic myth - the one I started with was:
There is a Islamophobic myth floating around that Muslims worship a different God than Christians or Jews. The theory goes that the Allah of Islam/Quran is actually a pagan Moon-god of pre-Islamic Arabs.

His one is that Muslims actually worship Satan:

shafique wrote: Is your argument that Abraham worshipped Satan? Really?

event horizon wrote:Yes, it's my argument that your false god exists..

Therefore, your god is Satan.

We now see your true colours eh - you think Muslims are worshippers of Satan. Wow.

However, your problem is that Jews can indeed worship in Mosques but are told not to even visit Churches. Jews and Muslims (and many Christians) don't have any problem with acknowledging that the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is the same - and His name in Arabic is Allah. Jews don't agree with you.

Fortunately, not all Christians are full of hate as you are.

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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 10, 2012
I'm obliged to believe Satanic texts which state Muslim allah and Satan are the same god.

Jews and Muslims (and many Christians) don't have any problem with acknowledging that the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is the same - and His name in Arabic is Allah. Jews don't agree with you.

So Jews believe the Koran is divine text?

What Jewish institution has declared that Islam's god and their God are the same?

You got nothin'?

My point stands.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
Your belief in the myth is strong, I grant you.

But Jews can pray in Mosques and aren't allowed in Churches. Arabic speaking Jews and Christians call God Allah, and this is in their Bibles.

Jews reject the Christian concept of a Trinitarian God as false, but can pray in mosques where the God of Abraham and Moses (Allah) is worshipped.

Your fail is complete.


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
So you don't have any Jews who believe the Koran is divinely inspired (and therefore Allah real)?

Jews praying in Mosques doesn't indicate their belief in Allah being real.

They are not, after all, praying to Allah.

That would be praying to another god.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
I think we're getting somewhere.

Jews do reject the Christian concept of God as false, and can't enter churches. No disagreement there, then.

Jews do not, however, argue that the God of Moses and Abraham that Christians believe in is false - only that elevating Jesus to the status of God is false.

Arabic speaking Jews worship Allah, and Allah is in their Bibles. Cut and dry to me.


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
Jews do reject the Christian concept of God as false, and can't enter churches. No disagreement there, then.

Nice try. Idolatry is the issue preventing Jews from praying in churches.

But I see you didn't answer my question; can/do Jews pray to the god of the Koran?

A simple answer would confirm whether Jews believe the Koran god is their God.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
event horizon wrote:Nice try. Idolatry is the issue preventing Jews from praying in churches.

Where did you get this from? I gave some links in the previous thread - idolatory was not mentioned as the cause:


Jews do reject the concept of a Man-God as false. You agree?

Jews do not consider Christian concept of the God of Abraham to be false, only the elevation of Christ to Godhood as false. Muslims worship the God of Abraham. Cut and dry, QED.


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
event horizon wrote:So Jews believe the Koran is divine text?
What's the point? Do Jews believe Gospels/NT are divine text?
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
Therefore Jews do not accept either the God of Christianity or the god of Islam.

But what's this have to do with Satanist texts saying the god of the Koran is the same as their god, Satan?
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
Sorry eh, you've lost me now.

Which Jews don't believe in the God of Abraham? They reject Christian's elevation of Jesus to God, but don't reject the God Jesus prayed too (as Jesus was a practicing Jew).


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 10, 2012
Jews reject the New Testament and therefore reject the God of the New Testament. It isn't difficult to figure out the obvious.

On the other hand, allah is Satan because Satanic scripture says Muslims and Satanists worship the same god.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 11, 2012
Just by reading the quran, it is obvious allah is a manifestion of evil. the book is a collection of messages of hate, murder, spilling blood, burning in hell, chopp off heads, hands , feet, pour lead into ears, having $ex with children, pedophelia at every other page. Not really messages of love and compassion.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 11, 2012
event horizon wrote:Jews reject the New Testament and therefore reject the God of the New Testament. It isn't difficult to figure out the obvious.
Fruitcake logic lol
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 11, 2012
Yes, because people who do not accept the divine origin of the New Testament are going to accept its otherworldly aspects for some reason.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
But we still come back to the same point - Jews reject the Christian innovation (as they and Muslims see it) of elevating Jesus to status of God, but do not consider the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus to be false - even though Christians +also+ worship Jesus as God.

For Jews and Muslims, the God 'the father' that Christians believe in is the same God of Moses, Abraham and Jesus. Arabic speaking Jews and Christians call this being Allah.

This is the same Allah that Muslims worship. QED.

Allah is the God of Abraham (the ancestor of Arabs) and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad, pbuh. Those who wish to believe in an Islamophobic myth that this is a 'pagan god' are just fooling themselves.

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
still dont want to go to the altair in a Christian Church on a sunday morning to tell everyone they are in fact worshiping allah? You wont , not because you are a coward, but because you know you have no chance in the world to convince anyone.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
herve - you'd be surprised how many Christians out there don't share your hatred of Muslims and Islam.

There are those scholars, such as Professor Hans Kung, who are devout Christians and also highlight the Islamophobic myths you like to believe in. Kung is clear - Allah is the God of the Bible.


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
shafique wrote: Allah is the God of the Bible

They would look at you as if you weren't right if you told our Sunday congregation that :drunken: Most, I am sure, have never even heard of Allah. You see, we are simple folk where I come from, just normal English people going about their daily work.

I prefer the thoughts of Sir Brian Cox who says, scientifically, there is no such thing as God.
He also says he is not anti-religion but anti-maniac.
He makes some very good points.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
Really, I think most Christians have enough intelligence to understand that Jesus' name was Yeshua and he spoke Aramaic, and have no issue with the concept that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use Allah for God, and that this is in the Arabic Bible.

I really don't see what the atheist view point that Allah doesn't exist has to do with this point. Is this what FD calls a 'brain fart'? ;)


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
I prefer the thoughts of Sir Brian Cox who says, scientifically, there is no such thing as God.

LOL. Well he is correct to say it, because there is no way science can ever pick out anything to describe it as Allah.
Allah says it in the quran that we cannot match him with anything in our worldly lives, as we are limited creation within our capacity and that he is nothing like we can imagine.
The way we believe that he exists is by looking at the beauty and perfection of his creation in the universe and his guidance through prophets.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
shafique wrote:Really, I think most Christians have enough intelligence to understand that Jesus' name was Yeshua and he spoke Aramaic, and have no issue with the concept that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use Allah for God, and that this is in the Arabic Bible.

Well you give us simple farming folk more credit that you should because as far as I was taught, Jesus was his name and his mother was called Mary. I never did get the virgin bit though. God is called God and not Allah were I come from. Sorry and all that but it's a FAIL in these parts. But keep up the good work.

--- Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:14 pm ---

Berrin wrote:The way we believe that he exists is by looking at the beauty and perfection of his creation in the universe and his guidance through prophets.

How does he explain the murder of people in Syria?
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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 12, 2012
How does he explain the murder of people in Syria?

Simple, not every Muslim is a genuine believer, just as not every christian and jews are believers, if they were do you think they would colonies peoples homeland to exploit wealth and take hostage of their sovereignty? obviously not, if they did we would be living under entirely different world circumstances in peace.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:How does he explain the murder of people in Syria?
Freewill, anybody can do what they want morally, not physically. But on the Day of Judgement everyone will be held accountable for their deeds.
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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 12, 2012
Jews reject the Christian innovation (as they and Muslims see it) of elevating Jesus to status of God, but do not consider the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus to be false - even though Christians +also+ worship Jesus as God.

Jews reject the New Testament as divine. Period.

Therefore they reject its otherworldly aspects.

For Jews ... the God 'the father' that Christians believe in is the same God of Moses,

No Jews believe this. You're clueless.

I'm talking to someone with an IQ in the double digits.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Well you give us simple farming folk more credit that you should because as far as I was taught, Jesus was his name and his mother was called Mary.

Well, I guess you've learnt something from these forums yet again (but check with your fellow rural Christians, I'm sure not all of you were asleep in Sunday school :) )

BTW - Yeshua's mother's name was Miriam. In certain languages the name is 'Yesu' - Jesus and Mary is via the Latin church which took the name from Greek translation of Yeshua and Miriam.

You'd look silly saying that Yesu or Yeshua wasn't Jesus - just like eh looks silly arguing that Allah isn't the God of Abraham, or that Jews don't believe Jesus prayed to the God of Abraham.


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 12, 2012
shafique wrote:Well, I guess you've learnt something from these forums yet again (but check with your fellow rural Christians, I'm sure not all of you were asleep in Sunday school )

Sunday school? Do me a favour! I never went to any Sunday school. Now why would I do that? None of my kids went to listen to any religious clap trap either. :roll:

--- Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:17 pm ---

shafique wrote:BTW - Yeshua's mother's name was Miriam. In certain languages the name is 'Yesu' - Jesus and Mary is via the Latin church which took the name from Greek translation of Yeshua and Miriam.

You'd look silly saying that Yesu or Yeshua wasn't Jesus - just like eh looks silly arguing that Allah isn't the God of Abraham, or that Jews don't believe Jesus prayed to the God of Abraham.

Whatever you say boss. I'm overwhelmed by your knowledge.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 13, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I never went to any Sunday school

Well, that clarifies why you weren't aware that Jesus wasn't Jesus' name ;)


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 13, 2012
shafique wrote:Well, that clarifies why you weren't aware that Jesus wasn't Jesus' na

Well that's what they call him in my neck of the woods. If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me. Next you'll be telling me his dad wasn't called Joseph and he wasn't born in a manger.
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