Chocoholic wrote:But Enterprise was pre-star trek. couldn't get into it. Plus I just can't get Scott Bakula out of my head playing Sam Becket in Quantum Leap - now there's a show!
Quanum Leap was a good show.
I dunno, I think that Enterprise its last year was superb.
Order of good Star Treks:
1 - Originals --> Crappy AV, but great character warmth
2 - DS9 --> Good AV, character interaction improved in the "dark phase" of the Dominion wars
3 - Enterprise --> I like T'Pol

And also the series seemed promising
4 - ST: TNG --> It only did so well because people missed TV Star Trek after 20 years or so of no TV Trek. The show itself was not great per say.
5 - Voyager --> So boring with their dumb Delta Quadrant. Kept hoping for some Borg cube to destroy them or perhaps 7 of 9 going pyscho on their asses.....