Liban wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Liban, I know you're not Afghani! Durgh! I meant Muslim 'flock' or brotherhood, any which way you want to put it.
The kind of Islam practiced in Afganistan is not the true Islam....
Burqas? Women barred from education and jobs?
Please, WTF is that all about!!!!

So the true that practiced in KSA? It is the centre of the Islamic faith, is it not?
Where women are not allowed to drive, or even to walk in the street with a man who is not her husband or a blood relative? Makes it a little difficult for her to get a job as well don't you think? She could always vote to get these privileges...but that is disallowed as well.
I understand the background to protecting and respecting women and also to 'not putting temptation in the way of men', but how far does it have to go before 'protection' becomes 'restriction' as in basic human rights?
I am not speaking from heresay or even as someone who has an axe to grind, but I do think Islam needs to think about 'modernising' or at least liberalising some of it's views. These are basic human rights after all.