Academic Discussion-Religious Tolerance

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Academic Discussion-Religious tolerance Jan 28, 2007
Hi everyone,

I would like to know your opinions on the following subject, and this indeed to share and increase my knowledge. These questions may seem basics and repeated but yet i need to know opinions of all sects (muslims(sunni/shia) and no muslims. Please mention your background when you post your opinion with references. I expect this to be an acedemic discussion and not what we kept on told from childhood.

1. I hear from some one that there will be a person by the name of Mahdi who will appear out of nowhere and will save the Muslims nation, these are I would say stories and I have not seen so far a verse from Kuran which certifies it. And then there are two versions of Mahdi from Sunni and Shia , what and why?

2. Then there is a talk of Prophet Jesus second coming, although in Kuran it is only mentioned that GOD has raised him unto him and thats it. Yes there are sayings of the prophet but then we go into issue of authentic Hadiths etc. Christians believe in that but how do they differ from Muslim belief? Also are there any muslim school of thought which says that Jesus will not come back and what we has been circulating in the muslim books can not be authenticated?

3. In some books I have even found detailed texts about the end of time as if its so carefully written and with so much clear message. Which is that Mahdi will arrive and then Jesus and then they both side with Muslims and enter into a war with Jews and after that all of em killed and Muslims will rule the world under Jesus and then he will die naturally and then again turmoil and then end of world. I mean if it was so clearly mentioned, why Kuran missed to mention it even as a reference to any of it?

4. I do belive in Hadiths but I also believe in reasoning with wisdom, none of the above stataments are (atleast to me) part of Muslim faith in that we should belive in them else we wil be out of the religion.

5. I raised these questions because I think these issues hunder Muslims progress in all fields as if they are waiting for some savior. However the solution to their probelms (palestine, and elsewhere) lies within wholeheartedly accepting the opposition and live and to let live sort of situation to be adopted and then move on.

6. I fear and feel that the world is not going to be a safe place to live day by day and every year we have major issues (wars, nature etc) and people having rigid and extreme opinions are actually distorting the religion and sort of imposing their view upon the norm. Does that mean people from the past are more wise and tolerant than us?


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Re: Academic Discussion-Religious tolerance Jan 28, 2007
ShahidSA wrote:Hi everyone,

I would like to know your opinions on the following subject, and this indeed to share and increase my knowledge. These questions may seem basics and repeated but yet i need to know opinions of all sects (muslims(sunni/shia) and no muslims. Please mention your background when you post your opinion with references. I expect this to be an acedemic discussion and not what we kept on told from childhood.

Hi ShahidSA,

I was raised in a family where we did belong to any sect or denomination. This is not to say we were not moral or had no beliefs. My parents felt that you did not need a preacher or a building to hear and see the celestial music. I don't say this in disrespect of religion, just a belief it is not a pre-requisite to a spiritual basis in life.

I will try to be respectful as I can. I hope my comments may be useful

1. I hear from some one that there will be a person by the name of Mahdi who will appear out of nowhere and will save the Muslims nation, these are I would say stories and I have not seen so far a verse from Kuran which certifies it. And then there are two versions of Mahdi from Sunni and Shia , what and why?

2. Then there is a talk of Prophet Jesus second coming, although in Kuran it is only mentioned that GOD has raised him unto him and thats it. Yes there are sayings of the prophet but then we go into issue of authentic Hadiths etc. Christians believe in that but how do they differ from Muslim belief? Also are there any muslim school of thought which says that Jesus will not come back and what we has been circulating in the muslim books can not be authenticated?

A second coming is prevalent in all the world's religions - the Buddhists refer to him / her as the Maitreya. I look forward to the day when human kind will become aware enough to see the truth for themselves (not that I am anywhere near there yet :) )

3. In some books I have even found detailed texts about the end of time as if its so carefully written and with so much clear message. Which is that Mahdi will arrive and then Jesus and then they both side with Muslims and enter into a war with Jews and after that all of em killed and Muslims will rule the world under Jesus and then he will die naturally and then again turmoil and then end of world. I mean if it was so clearly mentioned, why Kuran missed to mention it even as a reference to any of it?

Written by man - who is prone to resentment and hate.

As for the end of the world - I would say there is no clearer message then global warning and the facts can be scene in hard evidence clearly. I cannot map this to any religious texts due to my own lack of study. But it is very real and will mark the end for us a lot sooner then a lot realize if we don't redeem our ways.


4. I do belive in Hadiths but I also believe in reasoning with wisdom, none of the above stataments are (atleast to me) part of Muslim faith in that we should belive in them else we wil be out of the religion.

Thats a breath of fresh air to me.

5. I raised these questions because I think these issues hunder Muslims progress in all fields as if they are waiting for some savior. However the solution to their probelms (palestine, and elsewhere) lies within wholeheartedly accepting the opposition and live and to let live sort of situation to be adopted and then move on.

I wholeheartedly agree. It seems we are creating suffering for our fellow humans and animals as each day passes. If there is no second coming we will have to stop somewhere and take responsibilities for ourselves - I have faith that this cannot be impossible.

Its personal responsibility. I believe a sure way to find peace and satisfaction on this earth is through peace with our fellow man. If we do not have this how can we be at peace with God?

I read a poem recently that communicates it best;

I sought my god, my god I could not see.

I sought my soul, my soul I could not free.

I sought my brother and I found all three.

6. I fear and feel that the world is not going to be a safe place to live day by day and every year we have major issues (wars, nature etc) and people having rigid and extreme opinions are actually distorting the religion and sort of imposing their view upon the norm. Does that mean people from the past are more wise and tolerant than us?

Perhaps - but then someone like yourself exists who is willing to question dogma and consider different perspectives. This (in my humble opinion) is a such a crucial element that is lost in a lot of religion. Its as if there can never be any improvements on something formulated for times that were very different to what we live today.[/img]
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Jan 29, 2007
Cool JJ with all the data graphic presentation. :D
Dubai forums GURU
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