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Nov 19, 2006
There have been medical observations/reports (via sonogram) of fetuses masturbating.

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Nov 19, 2006
freza wrote:There have been medical observations/reports (via sonogram) of fetuses masturbating.

and so you vote for abortion?

what an Idiot! (I just need to say it out loud :oops: )
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Nov 19, 2006
oh zam, you do tend to trip very often, don't you?

My comment was simply meant to reflect on the human aspects of fetuses. Get it now? Good. :roll:

EDIT: Just a suggestion: it would do you good not to jump into conclusions, I mean, when logic fails you, jumping into conclusions isn't that smart...
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Nov 19, 2006
Pictures of fetal development in the first trimester, second trimester and third trimester - including info on the stages of development week by week. http://www.pregnancy.org/pregnancy/feta ... pment1.php

I'd like to point out that even adults who are brain dead can still show signs of "human behaviours". A fetus may be very human like, especially after the first trimester, so that is why - ethically - the first trimester is the better choice for aborting. A fetus can sometimes survive outside the womb after 24 weeks, so late abortions are quite disturbing for me. If you've already carried the fetus that long, you might as well let the fetus live and then go the adoption route.
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Nov 19, 2006
freza wrote:oh zam, you do tend to trip very often, don't you?

My comment was simply meant to reflect on the human aspects of fetuses. Get it now? Good. :roll:

EDIT: Just a suggestion: it would do you good not to jump into conclusions, I mean, when logic fails you, jumping into conclusions isn't that smart...

There is a thin line between intelligence and madness. I pray you are still in the middle of the two. You could have quoted a thousand other description to justify the humanity of a fetus, instead you choose such a distateful act. Whatever you say, I still believe you are one very awesome troll of DF! Much love to you :!:
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Nov 19, 2006
First, I quote what I want. And as to masturbation being a distasteful act? oh well, don't tell that to....uh..men. Hello! Cuz 99% of them do it and the 1% lies about not doing it. Oh yeah, and women do it too, girl it's a human nature thing!

I'm not a troll but if it makes you happy to call me one, then let me make you happy. :D whateva

I still think fetuses are human at some early point. I'm not pro-abortion, I think it should be reserved for extreme cases - when it's necessary. I'm for women being responsible individuals. Yeah, I know, that's very idealistic and utopian, but this is what I believe on this subject...
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Nov 19, 2006
freza wrote:Kanelli,
I still think fetuses are human at some early point. I'm not pro-abortion, I think it should be reserved for extreme cases - when it's necessary. I'm for women being responsible individuals. Yeah, I know, that's very idealistic and utopian, but this is what I believe on this subject...

I admire you on this point freza. :D Excellent standpoint!
Dubai forums GURU
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Nov 19, 2006
This is an extremely personal thing. Women should be able to make a choice whether or not they carry a child (no matter what the circumstances). I am Pro Abortion, and every woman in the world should be able to decide for herself whether or not it is for her, without judgement.
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Nov 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:If you've already carried the fetus that long, you might as well let the fetus live and then go the adoption route.

Uh its not just a matter of 'waiting a couple more weeks or days' or whatever but the fact that childbirth is extremely traumatic and no one should be forced to do it who doesn't want to.

kanelli wrote:They are damaging to the female reproductive system

It is extremely extremely unlikely that someone's uterus would be heavily damaged by an abortion performed in modern conditions (we're talking about a 1 in a thousand chance of any damage), its mostly a myth created by the pro-lifers.

asc_26 wrote:Shafique, even using scientific standpoint, still they would say that the unborn child is already a human life. Once the sperm & egg meet = is the moment of conception. Not only it's a life, but by its intrinsic biological in nature, it's a human life from the moment of conception, for it can be nothing else. "To be a human being is decided for an organism at the moment of fertilization of the ovum." And i quote"

It is one thing to want to protect people, its another thing to want to protect every bit of human DNA. A fetus is not an indepedent, self-aware, conscious person, like sperm cells that people waste casually, constantly, it only has the theorietical potential to become a person.
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Nov 20, 2006
Val, my point is when the egg & sperm meet = is already the start of conception & the start of human life. Sperm alone is not counted here and so with eggs. Got my point? 8)
Dubai forums GURU
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Nov 20, 2006
asc_26 wrote:Val, my point is when the egg & sperm meet = is already the start of conception & the start of human life. Sperm alone is not counted here and so with eggs. Got my point? 8)

Asc - not everyone agrees that human life begins at conception, hence why there are differing views on abortion = murder.

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