All this cheesey 1960's chat of 'uptempo blasts from the pasts' transported me back to 1967 and Tony Blackburn, the voice of Radio 1.
The Move, Flowers In The Rain

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
shafique wrote:'old skool'
shafique wrote:but I'm not a grandfather yet!
shafique wrote:but wasn't Michael Bentine also one of them too?
shafique wrote:Here's something more modern also from the UK
Bethsmum wrote:shafique wrote:but wasn't Michael Bentine also one of them too?
You really need to brush up on our traditions if you want to pass the Britishness test Shafique
shafique wrote:I suggest you look up who the founding members of the Goon show were.
Bethsmum wrote:I'm not the one who had to ask my dad
shafique wrote:No, you're the one that accused me of not knowing who were in the Goons
shafique wrote:As for imagining that New Order's song by Keith Allen is an 'epic failure' - that's just too funny.
But, never mind grandma, you're due a win shortly..
Flying Dutchman wrote:I don't like Kelly, or Nelly, or whatever the name is.
Bethsmum wrote:They are two different people FD. Kelly is a girl and Nelly is a boy.
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