First of all, I am a huge fan of the graphic novel. It showed maturity and philosophical depth at a time when all you saw from comics was the same bravado rubbish over and over again. I was really excited when I entered the theater. I wanted to see my favorite graphic novel enacted on screen. What I saw was definitely the worst piece of crap ever produced.
Don't get me wrong, I am not some comic fanboy who is pissed off because the movie did not follow the story exactly. I knew parts would be cut. So that is not the problem. The main issue is that it is so friggin' boring. You can't imagine how boring. It's a movie trying to sound intelligent and bad a$$ at the same time. What you get are morons babbling out rubbish and the worst acting I have seen since black and white movies.
I was dying 30 minutes into the movie. 1 and a half hours in, they were still talking; in monotone; giving me lessons on morality that I had learned an hour ago. Same crap over and over and over.
Do not see this movie. Seriously, Zack Snyder is not a director. He has no idea what acting is or how to portray human emotion. He is an idiot with a camera who knows how to color the backdrop. Essentially this movie has a CGI technician for a director and he butchers a great story by boring his audience to eternal sleep.
I want my money back. There, that's my rant for the day