Having a B list cast for the film has definately made it worth it.
Ioan Gruffudd - Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic)
Jessica Alba - Sue Storm (Invisible Girl)
Chris Evans - Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
Michael Chiklis - Ben Grimm (The Thing)
Julian McMohan - Victor Von Doom
The movie was very well done, good story and great performances from all the cast, although Ioan seemed a little young to play Richards, but the Welsh lovely does a good job. It's a little slow in the middle with the romantic slushy bits, but I suppose it's the first movie so they have to get the relationship stuff out the way.
Amazing effects, quite a few comic moments as well.
Basically a very well put together movie, although I hear they had to change the ending as the people behind the Incredibles nicked it for that movie and are being sued over it.
Well worth a watch - I love the comic book stuff!