I loved it personally, although having read the book, the beginning was really nothing similar, a little dissapointing, but none the less an amazing film for its costumes, scenes and unveiling of what is commonly considered a mystery.
Choc you are right, there has been some unheavel over the fact they used non Japanese actors, but having said that, Nicole Kidman has played numerous roles that are not Australian. Gosh just about every actor I can think of has played different roles in their careers, isnt that what being an 'actor' is all about. And hold the phones what about Julie Andrews, she was supposedly an Austrian (?) nun, I dont think so

in The Sound Of Music
Sorry got off track, Geisha is well worth an hour or so of your time, but Liban, you are right, I do not think it is a 'boy flick' (I did not take my hubbie) probably one for a girls day out