Favourite Guitar!

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favourite guitar! Jul 25, 2005
Tell you favourite guitar...i have an Ibaneze with 24 frets, two way tremolo, 5 pick-ups, locking tuners...and now its my favourite...fender strat was favourite before this

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Ibanez?? Jul 26, 2005
Dude its spelt Ibanez....hope they dint sell u a fake which says ''Ibaneze''!! :P. Anyway i play a Yamaha Pacifica II which is essentially a strat copy with a humbucker at the bridge(guess theyre called ''fat strats'')
happy shredding!!
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jul 26, 2005
sorry! that was a typo...i have an Ibanez only....i know yamaha pacifica...in fact there is one friend in dubai having the same guitar...he playes leads...i guess we can get together some time and JAm...but we need a drummer...
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Jul 26, 2005
cadmus wrote:sorry! that was a typo...i have an Ibanez only....i know yamaha pacifica...in fact there is one friend in dubai having the same guitar...he playes leads...i guess we can get together some time and JAm...but we need a drummer...

good luck finding one in Dubai :wink:
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Jul 26, 2005
is it that difficult :(
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Jul 27, 2005
Hmm wasn't castellano in another thread asking whether anyone was lookin to hire a drummer? Course not sure he'd wanna just jam if its his livelihood...can also check out www.phride.com...what kind of music do you guys play?
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jul 27, 2005
Nik wrote:Hmm wasn't castellano in another thread asking whether anyone was lookin to hire a drummer? Course not sure he'd wanna just jam if its his livelihood...can also check out www.phride.com...what kind of music do you guys play?

hey i can jam with you guys !!!! im a DJ and i sing aswell, i jused to do vocals when i was in coll. while scratching some samples ...... we used to play led zep, pearl jam. silver chair.etc.... and we used to scrtch records with them even before limpkin park and all these new guys do it as a new form of genre
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Jan 07, 2007
Iam a lead and rhythm guitar player...into western fusion and indi rocking tracks...from hot paki rock bands to popular bollywood tracks...can play and fuse lead and rock guitar with almost anything to add to the feel.

Would like to jam with a DJ....my fantasy to get on the DJ table and rock along !!
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Jan 07, 2007
im not really into guitars but each guitar has his speciality

ibanez, the same one meshuggah uses and so does morbid angel
Les Paul Gibson
Flying V
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Jan 26, 2007
well Ibanez is good. I own a Ibanez rg series. Then my fav is this one that I own





The one and only original Gibson slash siignature. Nothing beats a Les Paul I say.[/img]
Unknown Devil
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Jan 27, 2007
man that Les paul is SWEEEEEET!!!...I own a LES PAUL 67 CLASSIC SUNBURST...and yes its a beautiful instrument to play on....though i am partial towards ibanez...and the steve vai signature ones...miss being in a band!!....who is going to DESERT ROCK?...maiden /incubus/prodigy....awesome!!
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Jan 27, 2007
Hehe I payed a 17000 grand because of it's his signature series man. Payed out of where, I really dont know. But I did. And believe me I hardly found any ppl who own a les paul or a gibson as a matter of fact NO DEALERSHIP. But all I could say its the best thing. Next plan to buy bc rich mockingbird slash signature. Dont ask, it's an obsession.

Plus I also own a shit ass ki sound semi acoustic. Heres my track, Check it out. www.purevolume.com/unknowndevil
Unknown Devil
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Jan 27, 2007
nice! thanks for sharing that...a bit of advice...if you want any that is...blues lick tend to get repetative...you need to hit the odd notes and take a new turn...and mute the obvious ones...more power on the pulls that you feel can get more of a response...also if you get vedios by malmsteen or paul gilbert...they have comprehensive techniques on how to make the plectrum work for you...and also the way you can smoothen the solo runs...damn i miss playing...
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Jan 27, 2007
constantine wrote:nice! thanks for sharing that...a bit of advice...if you want any that is...blues lick tend to get repetative...you need to hit the odd notes and take a new turn...and mute the obvious ones...more power on the pulls that you feel can get more of a response...also if you get vedios by malmsteen or paul gilbert...they have comprehensive techniques on how to make the plectrum work for you...and also the way you can smoothen the solo runs...damn i miss playing...

Dude I need to meet u!! Man u just knew where I got stuck. I need someone to help me out. U in dubai and maybe we could meet up!!
Unknown Devil
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Jan 27, 2007
no worries dude...i live in the marina...am travelling a fair bit this month and the end of next month...but when i am back can jam up...
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