This is one of my favorite martial arts movie.The Way of the Dragon sees Bruce Lee writing, directing and starring in what many consider to be his best film. In the film, Lee plays Tan Lung- an innocent country boy who has been sent to Rome to help out some relatives who have been receiving threats from mobsters trying to take over their restaurant. Like most of the heroes played by Bruce, Tan Lung is slow to anger and pleasant mannered, but once angered he quickly transforms into a two legged killing machine.
what makes the movie unique?
The Way of the Dragon certainly has at least one element that remains virtually unrivalled to this day - the fight scene against Chuck Norris. This fight scene is undoubtedly one of the most meticulously choreographed fight scenes in the history of cinema. For this scene Bruce is reported to have studied countless hours of boxing and wrestling matches, frame by frame. Set in the spectacular setting of the Roman Colosseum, the fight took a mammoth 20 pages of written direction.
The Way of the Dragon grossed $HK5 million on its first run at the Asian cinemas- more than any film before it. This was the film that made Bruce Lee wealthy and for many fans it will deservedly remain the greatest Bruce Lee film of all time.
Did you know....
At the time of production, Bruce Lee was heavily influenced by the great heavyweight boxer Mohammed Ali. In particular he admired Ali's footwork and his ability to slip punches by "dancing" on his toes. If you take a close look at Bruce Lee's fighting style when he's fighting Chuck Norris, you'll notice that Lee is much more on his toes and not as flat-footed as in previous films. This new, slightly modified fighting style is a direct result of Ali's influence coming to bare!