the message board for Dubai English speaking community
yshimy wrote:Why the post? Are they preforming in dubai??
Please tell us in advance to reserve tickets, don't want to have Robbie williams fiasco again.
solhanic wrote:Liking their sound....still have to get their album 'X&Y'! Have any of you heard the song 'Brothers and Sisters'? Very good one by them as well.
solhanic wrote:I'm not sure which album the song was, maybe it was a single-only release? Anyway, it was featured on the 'Roswell' CD-Soundrack (Jason Behr...OMG!!) and is available at most music stores, and of course on p2p. I heard about Coldplay way back in 2000, this is the very first song of theirs I heard and knew that here was a band with a good sound.
X&Y is definately on my to-buy list this month