zneens1 - Posts

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We are looking for a restaurant job...

Any suggestion on restaurant jobs...Husband and wife both have 10+yrs of experience in restaurant but can not find any direct sites.
We would like to experience living in the dubai, possible?
by zneens1
Oct 29, 2008
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: We are looking for a restaurant job...
Replies: 1
Views: 1813

I totally agree with ahmeed80...I find it funny how the western media always seem to find all the negativity in Islam, yet when you really look into the religion and the Quran, it is the most beautiful thing. This is why people who take the time to learn about Islam, embraces it at the end of the da...
by zneens1
Oct 29, 2008
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: "Fitna"
Replies: 6
Views: 2797

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