zeenni - Posts

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and Jamal and Ish are outta the picture. Just two guys trying to be black.
hahahahah hey guys notice how towards the end people ignored you. That's what happens to people who talk too much crap. Later boys!
by zeenni
Mar 12, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I wanna get an arabic friend
Replies: 52
Views: 16108

Photos from great parties in dubai!!!

News Directory organized by subject, including Chats and Forums

lots of photos plus a message board for all people to talk about events and stuff!

peace! 8)
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Photos from great parties in dubai!!!
Replies: 2
Views: 2904


i cant believe you said that! lol :lol:
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Child Models
Replies: 3
Views: 6681


Hi, you seem like you know alot of job opportunities etc... in Dubai. I'm a student in Dubai but still has 2 years to graduate. I would like to work parttime preferably at nights since i study during the day and would really like some extra pocket money. If you know anything available please let me ...
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: TO IRIS!!!
Replies: 1
Views: 2888

oh yeah i forgot to mention:
I'm doing my BBA if that means anything to you.
It would be great to have experience as I study.
alot of my friends are doing that but don't seem to
wanna help[ out others :roll:

so anyways thanks.
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: TO IRIS!!!
Replies: 1
Views: 2888

yeah im loopking for that too.
im a student looking for a job in dubai as parttime.

let me know
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Part-Time Job Openings?
Replies: 1
Views: 3248


i thought you two would never shut up! hahahahaha ok about eminem no way, he'd just mess the place up since he's always hating everything! you put someone like that as a ruler and you're bound to have disaster and drugs and chaos all over the place! you guys are all just getting brainwashed byt thes...
by zeenni
Apr 02, 2004
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Eminem for Dubai's ruler ??? yes ??? no ??? why ???
Replies: 12
Views: 4722

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