zam786 - Posts

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can u post simple english to arabic daily use phrases like how r u how much does this cost right left straight back where are you what are you doing ok no problem do you have money what do u want etc Assalamalekum, Inshallah I will give you emarati dialect as under: Kaif Halak (male) or Kaif Halik ...
by zam786
Feb 09, 2009
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Links to Arabic lessons online
Replies: 44
Views: 67881


Salam walikeum, I am working in Dubai since 2004 but still I trying my best to learn arabic due to multi culture peoples are here.. I found one thing if you wanted to learn arabic you should be practical with them and always try to speak with them arabic. I am very grateful that some of my message w...
by zam786
Feb 10, 2009
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Links to Arabic lessons online
Replies: 44
Views: 67881

Car Wanted

Is anybody has 2000-2001 second hand cars, as I am interested to buy on installment basis, if you agree then i will buy the car
by zam786
Feb 10, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Buying cars in Dubai; are we at an advantage?
Replies: 18
Views: 5079

Looking for PRO jobs in Dubai

I have been working since 2004 here in dubai, I am looking good jobs in PRO/Administraton/Facility.

I have driving license also and familiar with the arabic language.

Please call +971 50 5090776
by zam786
Feb 14, 2009
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for PRO jobs in Dubai
Replies: 0
Views: 2228

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