I would be very thankful to you if some one from Dubai confirm the location of the attached picture. i know its quite difficult from the attached picture but i would be great help for me.
I would be very thankful to you if some one from Dubai confirm the location of the attached picture. i know its quite difficult from the attached picture but i would be great help for me.
I would be very thankful to you if some one from Dubai confirm the location of the attached picture. i know its quite difficult from the attached picture but it would be great help for me.
bossman , no brother he is not the partner. He borrowed 100kdhs from me and and ran away. he was my friend and you knows some times in friendship you close your eyes and have the top level of faith and trust on your loved ones. Same happen to me i havent sone any written agreement with him and if i...
bossman , lolz brother it was my gratuity and provident fund . now i am left with zero. i know i cant do any thing with him. i just wanna see him meet him and want to see in his eyes that how come some one can ditch the friend like me even he knows i have only this amount and that was for the futur...