xenion.calavera - Posts

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need some advice please

Hi guys i'm new to the forum , i want to move to Dubai in the near future and i was wondering if i buy a 1 or 2 BR flatt in the marina area and i will be away most of the time because i work in shipping , if i rent a flatt is there any chance to make a profit out if it or is the rent in that area hi...
by xenion.calavera
Jun 26, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: need some advice please
Replies: 2
Views: 1384

hi guys my this is my first post

I have a cousin in Dubai , she is having a relation with an arab guy , thinking of marriadge , she is cristian and there is no way is converting to islam , is marriedge possible in these conditions?
by xenion.calavera
Sep 02, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: hi guys my this is my first post
Replies: 4
Views: 2901

some basic questions

Hello everybody i need some help , i am currently a navigator so i am away on ships for like 8-10 months/year , i am capable of buying an apartment in Dubai so here are my questions: 1- From what developer should i buy , so i would'nt get scammed ? 2- What is up with the residency visa? if i buy an ...
by xenion.calavera
Sep 02, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: some basic questions
Replies: 1
Views: 1176

don't judge the country by it's capital

I live in the sea city of Constanta and i have to agree that Bucharest is probably the ugliest city in our Nation , in contrast to that it has the coolest nightlife in Romania , being the largest student city here it boasts some of the best clubs , bars, pubs in this part of Europe . Also a good tip...
by xenion.calavera
Sep 02, 2008
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: Romania "Report"
Replies: 12
Views: 6938

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