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American BSC Mechanical Engineer seeking advice

American with BSC in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering looking at relocating to the UAE. Also have extensive experience in construction engineering as well - in the field of residential/commercial. If anyone knows of any good engineering companies, etc that are hiring, I would greatly appreciate ...
by wolfsievers
Jan 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: American BSC Mechanical Engineer seeking advice
Replies: 0
Views: 1208


When God sent His Son to this world it just so happened to be in the land of Israel, God's chosen people. Where arabic is spoken. The 3 wisemen were arabs but not a mention of what religion they were, but assuming they were Christian, as they came to pay homage to the Son of God. He says, she says, ...
by wolfsievers
Jan 20, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

Jesus was never a practicing jew, that why he was condemned by the Jewish religious leaders, he never followed their rules. He came to fulfill the law not to change the law. He was the Messiah to everyone, not just to the Jews but to the Gentiles as well. When He came to earth He was the Messiah of ...
by wolfsievers
Jan 20, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

You quote the quran and I will quote the bible and one day we will meet in the other world and then we will both know who was right and who was wrong. Except a man be born again he will not see the kingdom of heaven and every christian knows what that means. Nothing anyone says otherwise will ever m...
by wolfsievers
Jan 20, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

Matthew 15:10-11 "Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' " " Matthew 15:16-20 ""Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. "Don't you see that whatever...
by wolfsievers
Jan 20, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

The church does not allow gay marriages the government allows gay marriages and sodom and gommorah will give you an example of why God says that it is a sin for a man to sleep with another man or a woman to sleep with another woman. Man was created t procreate.
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

Shafique vs liban well the mentality should be obvious, apparently she is very well versed in what she is saying and is quite well read, deserves to be commended as such. Well done!! Now teach your "brother" liban how to get a point across to other religions without appearing to be illiterate and no...
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

How dare you chastise me for making fun of religion - I was laughing at the way the former text was worded not intended to laugh at religion -
If you read it that way then that is your problem.

Read before thou openest thy mouth.
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

I heard that muslim women , a majority of them, were smarter than their male counterparts, Shafique you do your people justice, and make some of these blundering men on this forum look like unknowing children. God bless you. Where we end up after our life is not for you to judge but for God to dicta...
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

Not were smarter, but are smarter. And I will have to give it to you as you were smart to move to Canada!! Talk about biased, well if you go back over the posts in this forum you will see who is exactly biased in here. What you say is a joke!
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

Liban I said the only thing you did that was smart was move to Canada because I knew that you held a Canadian passport for if you were still in Lebanon you most likely would not be talking on this forum - you are such a joke. With that Canadian passport it enabled you to get into Dubai and get a job...
by wolfsievers
Jan 22, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

You know it is one thing to have a discussion about religion and politics, etc. but when one of the moderators intentionally bashes a Canadian for not being as smart and as qualified as him to secure a job is going over the boundaries. He should be removed as a moderator immediately. All I have to s...
by wolfsievers
Jan 23, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: why do arab muslims think they are better?
Replies: 181
Views: 29427

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