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pharmacist vacancies in dubai

can anybody tell me how to apply for pharmacist vacancies in the uae in community or hospital? i am currently practising as a pharmacist in the uk and am registered with the royal pharmaceutical society of great britain. i work in hospital as part of a mental health setting and i also locum in commu...
by wamin4
Sep 07, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Replies: 4
Views: 8339


I'm deeply saddened by the lack of replies I've had regarding my quest to practise as a pharmacist in the UAE. Surely there has to be somebody out there who has some information regarding this query. Also, if there are any Arabs out there, I thought you were the ones who showed hospitality to your g...
by wamin4
Sep 11, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: ignorance
Replies: 0
Views: 1152

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