vmgautam - Posts

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Looking for a Job in Import-Export Firm

Hi, This is Vikram M Gautam with 2 years experience for EXIMList.Com a worldwide trade portal for importers and exporters. Have a good knowledge of sourcing cheap products, currently am looking after the portal and getting new registrations, handling the overall charge of India Have done MBA in Mark...
by vmgautam
Jul 26, 2003
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for a Job in Import-Export Firm
Replies: 0
Views: 2532

Import Export Portal For Sale...

hi, am looking to sell my import-export trade portal for sale, the website has over 40,000 members, the database has over 60 thousand listings the site is fully developed in php (mySQL), functional fully, is 3 years old and well know among the various trade circles... send your offer to vmgautam@yah...
by vmgautam
Jul 26, 2003
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Import Export Portal For Sale...
Replies: 0
Views: 3239

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