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Thought we could start a rain report by area so you know whether to bother going out anywhere!

Ok here goes....Al Ghusais...not too bad...roads!
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 10
Views: 2595

ah thanks for that that really helps me with my plans for the day hahahahhah...made me laugh loads actually!
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 10
Views: 2595

You can sponsor your husband if you earn over a certain amount of friend did it....I think the set limit is 7000 dhs or 9000 dhs per month and then you can do it....try checking with your least you know it is do-able! Good Luck!
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Spouse sponsorship
Replies: 22
Views: 4760

congrats on the new car was going to say don't get black- although the coolest colour...which is why i chose really is a dust magnet....mine looks sleek and shiny for about 2.4 seconds before I hit the road and i look a right wally dusting it with my feather duster hahahahahhaha!! enjoy!
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Vote NOW
Replies: 31
Views: 4687

I am showing a negative balance at the moment...should I get worried???
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: WASEL Cash Grab?
Replies: 8
Views: 2172

travellers cheques are hard work here...can only cash in some money exchanged...pain in the ass basically and yes there is a you need to use them? Most visa cards etc etc work here...i always tell my family not to bring travellers cheques cos too much trouble!
by vixnax
Feb 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Travellers Cheques in Dubai
Replies: 2
Views: 1627

Dear Dubai Knight, I found your posts and the replies very interesting...seems to me there are lots of girls here going 'oh I can't find Mr Right' and loads of guys saying same thing- other way round of course. It's such a shame. I don't know what kinds of girls you and your friend have been dating ...
by vixnax
Mar 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

Dear Dubai Knight, thanks for your reply....I don't want to seem like the font of all knowledge hahahaha...I am just a"normal" person and have many "normal"single friends and am just going off experience...both out here and elsewhere. I know what you mean about the chivalrous thing- yes it is nice f...
by vixnax
Mar 26, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

try this- survival guide!

Good Luck!
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: How to Survive a Break Up?
Replies: 32
Views: 9134

Hi All, This is a really interesting chat- am enjoying seeing different views of opinion! Dubai Knight- I didn't really mean you would hand over the villa keys straight away- I was joking- I have a sense of humour hahahahha! Kanelli- I liked what you wrote- I don't fit into that stereotype....have a...
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

Dubai Knight- you have made me laugh so much now!! How did we get on to this- not like I am the dating guru being suddenly single myself yet again!!!!! You sound absolutely fine- like a nice decent bloke...just not met the right one yet- she's just round the next corner honest!!! Anyway platitudes a...
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

Hahhahahahah...the Paul Calfe quote was NOT supposed to be a chat up line....but if someone used it on me I would be on floor laughing!! In a good way of course! Not many girls would get it though!! The know the one....just round it...when you were a kid going on hols and your dad's dri...
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

ok so here's your scores so far...

1. intelligent- tick!
2. Sense of humour- tick!
3. Singing- clap!

You sound like the perfect man what you bothering about?? What more does a girl want? You the whole package hahahhahaha!
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

Arniegang! Those are fab...come on do tell have you ever, ever used any of them and what response did you get!!?? The Love Buffet one is hilarious!
by vixnax
Mar 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Newby to the Romance Forum
Replies: 58
Views: 14280

Don't do it Knight- will only lead to trouble...wouldn't it be breaking the unwritten buddy code anyway?? You don't want sloppy seconds so to speak! Or to lose your best mate over it either!

May the force be with you!
by vixnax
Apr 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Holiday Romance - A dilemma
Replies: 9
Views: 2423

If you have a ministry of health card you are covered in government hospitals...that's right isn't it folks? Only if you go private do the costs shoot up. I had an accident followed by super duper keyhole surgery and it cost me 200 dhs in total including 3 day stay in government was fi...
by vixnax
Apr 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Question about insurance for emergencies in Dubai?
Replies: 9
Views: 1796

Very interesting discussion! here's my 2dhs worth...not intended to cause offence just to enter into debate... Not all companies are the same you know...times are changing slowly slowly. The company I work for and it is one of the largest Emirati owned here- pays people based on education and experi...
by vixnax
Apr 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Double Standard !!!
Replies: 81
Views: 13683

This is a really interesting thread...and I am not going to complain about living here cos I love it- with all its up and downs. I have been driving here for 8 years- always keep calm...let all the craziness happen around me and keep eyes in the back of my head open. But in the last couple of weeks ...
by vixnax
Apr 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: dubai is driving me it just me?
Replies: 36
Views: 8118

It's good to talk about this girls....all women get stared at full stop! It doesn't matter if you are fully covered, in your tracksuit, dressed up to the nines, pregnant, with your kids....whatever!! I find a good tut seems to work on the starers along with an evil stare for any further th...
by vixnax
May 02, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai ppl
Replies: 46
Views: 6220

well think it can be useful in this day and age everyone so busy and all that....had some success and some not! That's a whole other can of worms though! I agree with DK- you can lie about yourself but the one thing you can't hide is sense of humour and you have to build up a rada...
by vixnax
Jun 05, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Replies: 50
Views: 11968

Goodbai- quote- 2 Young professional women who are fairly intrepid, tough, independent, free spirit sorts who have high standards and can spot a dickhead or saddo from a mile off (no reflection on any blokes who post on here... well, apart from the odd weirdo passing through of course ) that made me...
by vixnax
Jun 05, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Looking for girlfriend in Dubai
Replies: 48
Views: 45614

It is annoying as a woman though- if I get asked "psss.... much" one more time I going to scream! I don't dress like one- even in business suit full covered I get asked!! It can be really intimidating sometimes. I feel like if I walked into a bar on my own that people would be ...
by vixnax
Jun 06, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Prostitutes in the UAE
Replies: 70
Views: 12685

I felt it- I was on Pc and the whole building wobbled, my chair wobbled and the water sloshed in the toilets- thought I was going nuts until I read breaking news on net about an hour later.
Really strange feeling!
by vixnax
Jun 29, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Earthquake
Replies: 12
Views: 2254

Wasn't there an announcement about a year ago that if you lived here for 20 years you could get citizenship?? Am I dreaming?
by vixnax
Jun 29, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Outrageous Article in Gulf News
Replies: 34
Views: 9627

OK it's by Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet and is called "having an average weekend" from their album "savvy Showstoppers"..............ah the power of google- I can really recommend it for any wonderments!
by vixnax
Jul 11, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Whats that tune on Orbit Comedy Channel- Kidz in the Hall?!
Replies: 5
Views: 2034

I won 13,600 pounds woo hoo!! Great stress reliever and 5 minutes if the day waster! Thanks for that :D
by vixnax
Jul 11, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Test your luck...
Replies: 15
Views: 3210

To find friends you have to go out into the real world and look for is harder here cos everyone is so busy but no-one is going to come knocking on your doo- so out you go! Join a club- sports, social, arty, business networky thing- whatever and just get out there- screw up your courage- s...
by vixnax
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: True friendship....... is it alive in Dubai?
Replies: 16
Views: 6525

Dear DubaiDiva,

they do belly dancing classes as Shapes Wellness & Spa at Knowledge Village- it is a great class- really good fun and really good exercise!

Good luck!
by vixnax
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Belly dancing
Replies: 19
Views: 7839

Sorry and no disrespect meant- one word describes Sharjah- boring!! Don't do it! Come to Dubai!
by vixnax
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai vs Sharjah
Replies: 44
Views: 6168

Oh Gosh is it really that bad? is it the Welcare Hospital at knowledge Village? I have to go next week and needles are my phobia too....arrrggghhhhh! Will be on the floor in a dead faint- great! :oops:
by vixnax
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: oooh medical tomorrow
Replies: 36
Views: 9387

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