virginlaptopbuyer - Posts

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Visiting Dubai for first time for first laptop!!! HELP!!!

HI All, I'm coming to Dubai in dec 2007 for 3 days with the sole intention of buying my first ever laptop (as my username should suggest) to take back with me to India. I've been looking at the other posts in Dubai forums and i'm learning that Bur Dubai is a good place to go. So here's where I need ...
by virginlaptopbuyer
Oct 25, 2007
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Visiting Dubai for first time for first laptop!!! HELP!!!
Replies: 4
Views: 2821

Coming to dubai to buy laptop

hey cheap_Deal, thanks for ur reply, actually i'm coming for all the usual reasons as well- tourism, family vacation, non-electronics shopping, GOOD FOOD etc etc... But what i'm most excited about is buying a laptop that i'll be happy with, and what i'm most afraid of is buying a laptop that i'll re...
by virginlaptopbuyer
Oct 25, 2007
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: Visiting Dubai for first time for first laptop!!! HELP!!!
Replies: 4
Views: 2821

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