From the mess of information that I can see "out there" it looks like AHAB allowed all FX deals to be routed via Sanea's bank in Bahrain and from there out to the "Money Exchange". If the example of the $150 million deal is accurate then they AHAB are pissed that they were charge...
On any given case the accused is reliant on the DPP to "investigate" the claim. And you are correct - the fact that the check is signed and bounced makes the victim guilty in the eyes of the Court of First Instance The explanation is in MITIGATION and WILL be accepted by the Court of Appea...
Robbie - A Emirati friend of my parents, who is in a position to know puts the figure at over Double what you mention above. The fact that it happens all over the world is not news - the rest of the acknowledges that it happens, its when somewhere denies that it happens and everyone knows different ...
S&O - I have no intention of getting into this with you but MbB is a local - a high profile Emirati. Perhaps one day this information will come forward of its own accord, the number that comes from him is actually higher than I have suggested :) I would rather get my info from a government sourc...
@kid You clearly are a sharp as a cue ball and have the memory retention of a goldfish, BA as I was warned, does not repond nor engage in debate because as a bigotted hate monger he has no argument. This is a common trait in idiots like him. On the other hand inventing scenarios where BA princess sl...
Not taking sides here; but watch "Children of Abraham" a well researched and balanced documentary. The name Abraham is used, not to imply that it does not recognise Ibrahim, only that the base language is English. The presenter establishes this very early on. (its available on youtube and ...
When combined - Politics and Religion is the single most volatile mixture on the planet whose only result is vitriolic hatred, governed by those who stand to benefit. Shakespeare wrote "The devil can cite scripture for his own purpose" [Merchant of Venice] and therein lies, I feel, the pro...
I know, the government companies have ripped off a fortune from local regional and foreign banks not to mention foreign direct investors, its terrible. Now that the banks have found out and are charging them through the nose to continue lending to them it is putting in jeapordy "The Dream"...
Madness When buying into a consortium the first thing the "investor" does is to engage in a process of discovery and legal due dilligence. This process does not entail just Googling the target acquistion and writing a 3 page report that says something like "Hmm seems ok to me ....&quo...
@Kid This is not the environment for "revealing" specific information of that nature, we have other respected channels in mind. Construction is one of a number of facets that when combined reveal at best a lack of investment acumen and at worst malfeasance on a grand scale. And no, I am no...
LIES. its all LIES I tell you.... This is nothing more than Zionist propoganda. This building is in Egypt and they photoshopped it into Diera ...... I know - my uncle he tell me from his zionist prison cell. It is a CIA plot just like the moon landings, & to prove it I will tell you the US Secre...
And the day Iran invades (any morning of their choice), who will you chicken lipped snivelling worms turn to .... the French ? :lol: The Swiss guard ? :lol: Wake up, all your "supreme, medal wearing" commanders were trained at Sandhurst for a reason, and the reason is to understand the cha...
Its called a Surveyor, in the UK it is governed by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). You can do a degree in Quantity Surveying specialising in Property and then by working for a firm for a number of years and gaining experience you sit a set of exams and become a Chartered Surveyor,...
@BB He went to Florida 'cos thats where they got 'im from! Or put more simply he went home, as so many fellow expats constantly say, "If you dont like it .....", he did. And the obvious paper trail ? Where was that shown or commented on in the DoonCoon press ? Yup no where. DubaiWorld said...