vikasg03 - Posts

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Cheap visa option

I need one urgent advice. I am from India. Having valid UAE Residence visa. Now I am planning to call my wife and baby for 1 month in dubai from India. What is the cheapest option. Can i choose tourist visa for 1 month , is any toher cheap option. Please provide the cost also If any option less than...
by vikasg03
Sep 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Cheap visa option
Replies: 4
Views: 3402

Re: Cheap visa option

If i have to call , then what is the use of forums. many ppl which nade their trps earlier, might be aware about this.
by vikasg03
Sep 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Cheap visa option
Replies: 4
Views: 3402

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