Excellent article No, very bad article. The teacher was an English instructor teaching students to learn English. It was the students (who were from Pakistan and other places) that complained about the veil being in the way, mitigating their ability to learn because they could not follow the way th...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770 Schoolgirl arrested for refusing to study with non-English pupils Last updated at 10:27am on 13th October 2006 A teenage schoolgirl was arrested by police for racism after refusing to sit with a group of Asian students because some of them...
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Thursday it was reviewing strategy in Baghdad, where U.S. reinforcements have failed to halt spiraling violence, and expressed grave concern about mounting troop deaths. The battle for control of Baghdad, which U.S. officials say will decide Iraq's futu...
The surveys, as far as I know weren't taken by Daniel Pipes. I found them on his website while searching for opinion surveys on Britains Muslim population. I personally think it's fine to post information from a rightwing website as long as the information is correct. If you think British Muslims ar...
Egyptian students who wear the veil could face expulsion from a leading university if they refuse to uncover their faces. Helwan University has already banished students from residence halls and has threatened to expel from campus those who turn up with their faces covered, university officials said...
Perhaps most important, it is not only the derided “cut and run” domestic critics of the president’s policy who recognize that our continued presence is part of the problem rather than of the solution, but 90 percent of the Iraqi people we are supposedly trying to help, according to recent U.S. gove...
Sure, no one should have Nukes, but shouldn't the nuclear power nations lead by example Certainly a number of advanced capitalist countries are continuing to develop nuclear energy themselves, including the U.S. and especiallly France and Japan. It's a huge double standard, then, to set conditions ...
As I predicted, you casually ignored the vast majority of my post. Daniel Pipes has never been known to have presented reliable facts. So anything on his site is in line with his thinkings - therefore flawed and lacks serious credibility.... Theres more to life than Murdoch Media and other zionists....