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I say avoid mutual funds. Why? It's a complicated product. The firm knows all the ins and outs and you know nothing. Easy for them to manipulate things in their favor without your having a clue. Even if you are on top of things and wish to challenge their practices, what are you going to do? Get hel...
by upandhi
Nov 09, 2007
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Dubai Mutual Fund
Replies: 6
Views: 4687

Mashreq Bank offers fixed deposits for as short as 1-week with 4% annual rate of interest and around 5% for a 1-year fixed deposit. It's not a whole lot but its sure and simple and you have 100% control. Other banks may have similar products with similar rates. Secondly, while I don't recommend mutu...
by upandhi
Nov 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Dubai Mutual Fund
Replies: 6
Views: 4687

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