ummi - Posts

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Re: Dubai vs Kuala lumpur

Kuala Lumpur (bad) 1-The city is very dirty with trash on the streets in fungus on the buildings. 2-All shops close down at 10 and some malls close at 8. 3-Security is not up to the mark like it is in neighbouring Singapore. 4-People in general are rude, quick to judge and get offended rather easil...
by ummi
Aug 02, 2010
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: Dubai vs Kuala lumpur
Replies: 20
Views: 19037

SLIM DIET II : Safe Weight Loss For You... ^_^

Hello everybody... ^_^ I'm ummi from Malaysia. Looking more Parners at Dubai to my great Product. ^_^ LOSS YOUR WEIGHT OR GET YOUR MONEY BACK! Did you hear about Slim Diet II? SD II is another killer product from New Image Asia, along with already proven Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum drink. The Sli...
by ummi
Aug 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: SLIM DIET II : Safe Weight Loss For You... ^_^
Replies: 0
Views: 6745

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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