yujinn wrote:by 2020, most of those amazing buildings we see and about to see at present would have been decayed and crumbled already
scot1870 wrote:As far as bigoted remarks go, I've seen a lot worse, storm in a teacup when clearly he was trying to be funny, whether he acheived that is up to the reader/ listener.
uaebadoo wrote:scot1870 wrote:As far as bigoted remarks go, I've seen a lot worse, storm in a teacup when clearly he was trying to be funny, whether he acheived that is up to the reader/ listener.
swe77 wrote:Dear Members,
I have a question regarding what dates the holy month of Ramadan takes place? I have understood that it should start sometime in September. Can someone please give me more information regarding this?
satan-the-redeema wrote:Yes..respect the culture of the country you are in, not the country you are from just like a good Jew does
Ps The comment about cockroaches was intentionally provocative - .................but Oh so true!
satan-the-redeema wrote:In "AMERICA " Freedom of speech means the freedom to share your opinion.
satan-the-redeema wrote:he comment about cockroaches was intentionally provocative and very unfair to " cockroaches "
PARANOID wrote: killing those who convert from Islam
PARANOID wrote:killing married men who cheat on thier wives by stoning them to death ?