tinkabelle72 - Posts

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Hunting for work before I leave for Dubai or on Arrival

Hey...am very very new to this forum as well as to the thought of packing and leaving Australia. So - can anyone give me some hints or advice about hunting for work before (?) I leave for Dubai or should I wing it when I get there?? I've managed Day Spas and currently am managing an audiologists cli...
by tinkabelle72
Mar 27, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Hunting for work before I leave for Dubai or on Arrival
Replies: 3
Views: 1508

moving to Dubai...with no clue and a smile :)

Hi! Am looking at moving to Dubai from Australia in the near future (time for a sea-change) and have absolutely no idea how to go about it :D

Can anyone share some helpful hints or insights into the process? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated ... :)
by tinkabelle72
Mar 27, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: moving to Dubai...with no clue and a smile :)
Replies: 3
Views: 1581

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