HP wrote:fayz wrote:Tanzania/Canada
where in Europe is " Tanzania" , North Europe , south Europe , east or West Europe?
Think its in Africa, right Fayz??
HP wrote:fayz wrote:Tanzania/Canada
where in Europe is " Tanzania" , North Europe , south Europe , east or West Europe?
A64Venice wrote:the_zooter wrote:That's for the DFM to know and you to (never) find out!!
Whatever dude.....
arniegang wrote:Ven
Remember Don Zooterparmaham is on the DFM Application Review Committee.
A64Venice wrote:Well guess what, I'm Vennie Montana.
"Say hallo to ma lil frend."
arniegang wrote:maybe a nice rhyme would round that off zoots
arniegang wrote:FISHTANKS - By jove X you got it, fantastic idea matey.
This needs to be discussed
XRW-147 wrote:the_zooter wrote:GAB wrote:Not bad MaaaD- you haven't overposted in a short period of time like some of us.
Shouldn't those be faces?
Liban wrote:Why am I confused?
arniegang wrote:DFM unite we should be "as one"
arniegang wrote:it wasnt real zoots, it was a cartoon, start singing Agadoo that'll cure it
arniegang wrote:shhhhhhhhhhhhhh keep it quiet but "da boys" have a plan to kidnap liban until i get too 6000 then he will be released or Weleased as Gabs would say.
Vewy Well, welease Wodewick
d3vilish_ang3l_88 wrote:WOW!!!..4000!! congratulations.!!
when will i reach 4000??...