arniegang wrote:shhhhhhhhhh the "you not what", let them in on the enquiries you me and cons has had.
arniegang wrote:The world is monitoring our progress.
This enquiry is just the begining.
arniegang wrote:he's lost the plot, its next week
Liban wrote:Concord wrote:Of course they went there and brought lots of people with them! Where else did all the lunatics now living in Dubai would have come from? (Luna = moon in some languages).
There are Indians living on the Moon?
arniegang wrote:Zooter
Shut UP !!!
arniegang wrote:or really stupidly from the Columbia Outdoor sportswear shop in Battuta Mall
arniegang wrote:kanelli wrote:let's see arnie in a mini skirt and stilettos
You know me well
How about a "golf skirt" ?
GAB wrote:Next we'll see zooter idling down SZR naked. His excuse will be ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
GAB wrote:Yes, having been at the apex of purity one has to wonder if it is the weather that has affected X. However, if one does a search you will find that he has always been a sacrcastic deviant.
GAB wrote:Nup!!
XRW-147 wrote:Go to an Emarat or Eppco and buy the Auto trader or Auto mart. One of them has a new car price guide towards the back of the book. No useful online reference by either of these companies.